Quiet As It's Kept

They're Alive Dammit! It's A Miracle!

Quiet As It's Kept Season 1 Episode 18

This week Kristen tells the story of how Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus narrowly escaped Ariel Castro's House of Horrors.

Ariel Castro (00:16:30)

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Okay. Hello everyone.


Hello? Hello. Welcome back.


To another episode of


Quiet as it's kept the podcast.


we did




even rehearse that, but like no bullshit.


that sounded good though.


that one


That one did that one did, um, I'm DNA


And I'm Christian


and we are back. Look at us being consistent two weeks in a row.


who would have thunk it.


my fucking cookie, honestly,




a metal, a cookie. um, yeah, so we're back. And we're going to jump right into it, I guess, with a word from our sponsors, Kristin.


Oh, I'm about to, Oh, okay. week, this episode is brought to you by Birkin bags,




nasty, but classy Al Birkin bag Um, yeah, there's been some happenings, uh, with sweetie who I enjoy. I enjoy her music. I do like, it's just turn up music and. not his actual, I think it's just quite though.




no, it's short for I think if clients give you quick, quick, Tabius. quick, quick Quinta corner corner, like, I don't know. exactly.




Um, you see the video that was released today by say the, now that is some Satan work TMZ they, that is big brother and yes, I did see him swinging her around like a ragdoll. I was like, what hell? you know, I know they were taking like subliminals shots at each other on social media, but it seems as though things ended shit fucking bed and they were trying to keep it cute. And now they getting the camp in and it's like, all bets are off because fuck you.


I feel like Olivia Pope is on the me just spin this shit Okay. I did see them going back and forth on social media. I was like, Hmm, don't really care. Not my business. and then all of a sudden the fucking elevator footage comes out, which is,


not a good book.


I don't know what that was. I saw his call call a duty purse. I saw her sitting on the ground for a long time. Um, I don't like domestic violence situations. Um, you know, keep your hands and your feet to yourself unless you'd be in nice, Melissa. You, you want some other shit, but no hitting guys, no hitting.


preschool we got to say that. Hey guys, no hitting guys. feet on the ground, like two adults feed on the ground, hands in your lap. Like if you not good, you don't have any way nice to touch somebody. Don't touch them at all because what I say. Okay. so yeah, I don't know what's going on with that. I like a lot of mess, which I'm trying to look away, but they're turning every other day. So I'm like, well, where am I going to look? but this asset,, so I probably, I'm not like super heavy invested, but also it's like, well, I'm a read it. If it's there. Now asking a lot of me not to look at it, but yeah, I hope they both move on and never get back together. Cause it seems as though maybe the relationship was a little bit more toxic than they media. And they were a lot of people's like relationship goals.


right, right. Um, apparently there's infidelity and, uh, and domestic abuse. It seems like in my young Miami and I'll like, I like that. And then, I mean, just like, I don't know what it is, but it just seems like these two are not equally you'll. Um, I don't know what set him off. It could have been the dipping, the fucking donuts and miracle whip or whatever the fuck she be doing, but not her eating habits. It's not her eating habits I don't know what type of intestines she has. She she's eating like somebody who's pregnant, um,


fresh out.


fresh out the what? Oh, J




is that how eat in jail?


were parking cautions, especially her ramen noodles. I D it is K It seems as though It is nothing that she asked to it should be going together ever, which to each his own to each his own. It






Weird, weird habits. I just think like, you know what, she did find somebody else who eats like Oscar, the grouch, and he needs to just be by himself for


Yeah. Best of luck to Q and S


I mean, I guess that'll fine going to be more than fine peace right? Way better than our bro gases. So this week is also brought to you by the letter S and the letter S stands for stupidity.




there's no shortage of that in the world clearly. Um, but especially me because I accidentally drugged myself about 30 minutes ago.


My dumb ass. I had like a supplement with like B12 in it okay. that, um, that has like caffeine and B12. And then I'm like, I'm bored. Let me drink some cold brew. So did that back-to-back and then maybe 10, 15 minutes later, my brain is sizzling like a fucking Pepsi. And I'm like, what did I do realize that I had way too much caffeine.


So yeah, if I sound crazy that's why, but also the letter S stands for strapless bras, um, otherwise known as the biggest myth, the biggest lie, the biggest fairy tale that exists in the world today. Uh, I'm looking for birthday outfits. Yeah. My birthday is May 3rd. Okay. Um, send gifts, uh, and I'm supposed to be going on vacation and I'm looking for outfits. So I'm like, okay, well, I'm trying to be cute wherever I'm going. As I'm looking for strapless bras. Now keep in mind, like I'm a 34 double D. so I can't just put fucking pastries on my titties and like, keep it pushing. Yeah, can't just like, Oh, go braless. Have you heard gravity? Have you heard of her? there's so many contraptions out for boobs, like, you know, for bigger breasts so that we can wear a strapless, backlist, whatever, whatever these cute ass outfits and none of them work. So I'm just like, who is this for? Like why can't I find a strapless bra or a backlist or whatever, like, this shit is impossible. And y'all got recommendations, like, um, send please.


tidied Tiggo Biddy women. Okay. as far as the strapless bra, I still have yet to find one that doesn't either, That shit is on your, on your belly button. By the time you get in your car, it's falling down. it is a fit right on top of that. Like it's always, the wrong fit. Like your cup overflow, if or it is sticking out further than your boob is, literally, because it's so huge. it's so huge. It's got padding in it. Or as my mother says people in it, I told you that she says that. it has what in it. people. So we love brush copper ones. And, um, I was like, what about this one? And she was like, she was like, not that one. It got too many people in it. I was excuse me. She was like, Oh, she was like, no, no, this is too many people. That's that's other people's cities. That's not mine. So I can't, I can't have


she was like, yeah, the people's cities. I can't have that. Um, but yeah, I can't have a brawl with too many people in it, other people's studies. So if anybody has any recommendations, also, even if you do get something, like if it is like a stick on bra that actually works, it's just like, okay. But when you take your clothes off, you look ridiculous. So you better be going home to yourself




if you try to


get it in.


men, your men will be looking at you. Like, who shot Like happened


having to have that, that talk like, well, you know, it's, uh, don't


looks like




I'm sitting there looking like fucking oolong when she got caught. Just you look wounded. So that's, I don't know. So I need recommendations, but also I have a tangent on. Boob size, because I realized that more than anything, more than like Zodiac sign or like where you grew up or anything like that, I feel like I judge people based on group size. I feel like it's a major differentiator between like two different types of people, because I've noticed that people with bigger boobs are different, you know, like just, yeah, maybe a little bit more responsible, a little bit more analytical, a little bit more cautious. Most of the time, while my smaller boot friends, I just a little bit more carefree, you know? Like they just like, you know, what's the worst that can happen. And I think the reason why that is, is because if you have bigger boobs, especially from like when you were in middle school, high school, we had to understand consequences a lot sooner than our smaller breasted sister-in, you know, like we had to think twice before doing anything before we ran down the stairs, because they might take a fucking eye out before jumping double Dutch before buying a shirt like this, she's going to be stretched and looking crazy. So it's just like, we have to think twice before we do pretty much everything. I feel like that sticks with you. You know what I'm saying?


second guessing or constantly being like this. How does this, does this have too much cleavage? it just always, I really feel like I have two extras brains in my titties.


right. That's not what I thought you were going to say. going to say like there's me And then there's like Teddy brains like, but okay That's a great visual. Thank you so much,


down in there. I don't know. I, that is a very great analysis. and you




Think about us. Any small city girl, any small city brain, you know? Right. She'd be the first one to be like, yeah, let's just do whatever. Like it's got the same smell. Tidied friend of mine right now.


We love her, but she, she was like, yeah, it's fine. Cause you ain't got to think about consequences. You can just walk outside.


Meanwhile, we're wearing a tank top to the supermarket and down every five seconds, making sure yo nipples is not out the all




y'all's nipples being out.


even if they do, they're just like, Oh, it's fine. Like nobody cares. that's what they're thinking is just like, ah, whatever,


Let me just the courtroom


us. They'll be like, if you pull out that Mami city in this club, you getting put out big differentiator between people. It's just like this big titty ones and the smaller titty ones. And we just, we moved different. just move a little bit more different because we had to learn, we had to grow up fast,


very fast. And not by our own choice. Either people projected fastness on to us and we had to go through the struggle of being


big chest and big breasts, big chested. Woo. Don't move me in that. Uh, busted the grade per grade. and I'm probably, I'm going to get so much hate, like, nah, I'm responsible.


yeah, I do. Okay.


And it's just like, all right, you are an anomaly. You are the exception








Right. Um, but little breasts, big breasts. We love you all.


ain't got no type big small titties is what we'd like. um, do we have any announcements this week? not no


personally, professionally. Um, let me check, let me check. I'm just going to the, um, So, um, no announcements this week, really, but, again, we want to thank everybody for, listening and for sharing and, mostly for, Leaving reviews and commenting. Like it really is warming our hearts. Like we just got a couple more ratings and somebody said like MFM, but better. Which girl who is She said, um, I've been a true crime lover forever and have listened to just about every true crime podcasts out there. this one is top of my list. And one of the only podcasts where I actually wait for new episodes to drop perfect combination of humor, incredible storytelling and poignant commentary. Yes.




I can listen to this podcast. Non-stop as a big murder Reno, I highly recommend any lovers of MFM. add this to their list, which Oh,


that is so nice.


Thank you so so much. Wow. Yeah, I love that




we Um, somebody said they found us on accident on Twitter, which look happy accidents, happy accidents. welcome. Em, love her. Um, welcome to everybody. Who's new and is just started listening. Um, we appreciate all listening and leaving reviews and spreading the word. Thank you.


Thank y'all


we appreciate y'all. that made Right? you ready?


Ready? All right, everyone. So is why we it's your girl, Chris.




back on the ones and twos. Okay, so we're going to start off with a little story. About a young girl named Michelle




was born in August of 1981 in Cleveland, Ohio. Now Michelle did not necessarily have a stable, home life. She lived with her mother. I do not believe her father was involved in her life until later. And you'll see why. But early childhood, it was just her mother and she had some siblings she did an interview with ABC and she had mentioned that times throughout her childhood, she would be mothering her siblings while her mom was like gone or working or doing whatever.


So she to take on the brunt of being a teenager, but also playing mom to younger siblings, which is always hard for Yeah. she explained that they didn't even have a couch to sit on in their home. actually had no stove. And so in order to cook, they would have to use a space heater just to heat up food, to have a warm meal. This w this. So you said it, I thought you were going to say, you know, like a hot plate or, something like that, a space. I even know a space heater. That's I didn't even know that was possible. Wow. laugh.


you're you made me laugh, so, okay. So as explained, uh, things were pretty rough and Michelle from a very early age had lived through through a lot there was possibly some sexual abuse growing up. I couldn't find a whole lot more on it. at, and if you articles that she also injured that as well, but at the young age of 14, she decided that, you know what, ain't, it. Um, I'd rather live on the streets than live in this. And she became a runaway. She left home for a while. she was living in garbage cans. She was staying under bridges.


on. Did you mean to say out she was living in garbage,


In that is what


garbage kid?


I am, I'm pulling it up right now. And you are going to ruin the day you ever, uh, Oh my God. You mean to say. no, I'm in to say in.


Do you know how big a garbage can is Kristen?


Yeah. And think about it logistically though, if you lay a garbage can on its side, could lay in there with their feet, like laying out, but they'd still have cover over them from the garbage cans. Oh my God. Okay. No, cause I was confused at first, but now that you said logistically and actually made sense. Okay. Because I was picturing like an Oscar, the grouch situation, and I was like, no way in fucking hell she living in the garbage can, but I see what you mean now. That is awful because I can see like living in a dumpster because there's more


Okay. No, I get it now I get it And Yes.


so Michelle, was living on the streets. She had to stay in the bridges. She didn't know where she was going to get her next meal. saw refuge at like a local Baptist church in the Cleveland area. And this church would always, feed her the, her shower and their amenities, like, you know, just kind of offer her a place of it basic, human. a lot of times she would go and, sit in the back while they were like rehearsing choir practice, whatever. So one day at the church, I guess she was there.


and one of the members of the church saw her. And so when they noticed Yeah, ended up calling her father. Who again, don't believe he was super active in her life, but he ended up taking his daughter in. He ended up enrolling her back in school and believe she was only on the streets for like a year or so, maybe two years.


that's enough. That's more than enough, right. So Michelle returned to school, though, she would oftentimes be bullied. and she didn't like necessarily going, but nonetheless, she did end up meeting a boy from school. She gets pregnant her senior year of high school and she gives birth to a baby boy named Joey in 1999.




Michelle is really, really determined to be a better mom than the one that was afforded to her. But again, poverty yielding more poverty, yielding more poverty. It's a vicious cycle. So




baby single mom. She struggled. And she had little to no money at the time of when her child was born.


And she was still living with her father.


no, at this point, I believe she had moved out By spring of 2002, our son is




And so, Michelle is back at home and her mom. Her mom, has a boyfriend and the details of this story are a little unclear, but what I could find boyfriend somehow got drunk as a skunk. Now I don't think he physically up Joey and Michelle's son, somehow he fell on him and ended up fracturing Joey's knee. So, He fell on the child. or was drunk and someone, a mumbling or an altercation broke out and Joey's knee ends up fractured,


Oh, hell no,


which again, disfunction, chaos, you don't even know how that happens. And social services didn't know how it happened either. And didn't like that story that they were telling. So they ended up, taking Joey and he was eventually sent to foster care. And so, Michelle boss custody of her son because of this incident. And so she desperately wanted her son back and from all accounts, like she was a girl who was trying to get it together, but really, really wanted to be there for her son. So on August 22nd, 2002, she had a hearing involving getting her son back. So somehow on the way to the appointment, she ends up getting pretty lost and she pops into a convenience store and is asking, the cashier like, Hey, do you know how to get here? Um, I'm lost in the area. I'm not from around here, and a man she recognized in the store offered to help her. He said, Hey, I actually, I know where you're headed. I know that address. And when he introduced himself, that's when Michelle put together, Oh, I know your daughter. We ended up, in the same high school, around the same time. Like, I, I know her and that man would go on to introduce himself as Arielle Castro. So Michelle knew of one of Arielle's but she had never met him before. This was her first time meeting him but she trusts him because knows his kid.


Yeah. so again, he said he knew exactly where her appointment was and he offered to give her a ride. So Michelle was relieved because she was like, all right, one step closer to getting my son back here I go. But shortly into the ride, REO said he needed to stop at home to pick up his younger daughters


And she was like, Hey, I don't really have time for that. Like if you just






Yeah. She was already on foot. show me, give me the directions. And we worked for last week. We don't do stops,


No, no, But he was able to kind of pivot the conversation he explained to her that, well also I need to go home because our dog just had some puppies and I need to go feed them. I haven't fed them all day.


this sounds like a you issue, sir. Please show


Right. Right.


else to be. I don't, you know, get congrats, but have nothing to do with me


But It




It wasn't that he needs because she wasn't going for it at first. But once you're happy she did it kind of lowered her. Okay. Well


Oh, I puppies




I'm like, I'm trying to, I have to go say my child. Okay. I'm about to lose Isaiah. I need to get the fucking courthouse. Damn bumpies. Damn that dog. Sorry.


right. So they ended up going back to Arielle's home. And once Michelle stepped into Arielle Castro's home, she would not leave again until over a decade later set, who is Arielle Castro. You might We're about to get into the thick of it. Cause this man society,


a decade. Oh, my God. Okay. That was not what I was expecting. Oh shit.


Arielle Castro? Was born in it's either Dwayne. It looked in my mirror. It's Dewey in my head because it's D U E Y, but I don't know Puerto Rico, but I felt might butchering it. So Oh yeah. Yeah, doing I know it's not correct. Do the Puerto Rico in July of 1962 pay Castro in Lillian Rodriguez. So was a person whose childhood was also chaotic to say the least I would even throw in there messy because in 1962, his mother would discover that his father actually had a second family. And not only was he married to another woman, but he also had four with her. So,


the paperwork, like how do we not know?


You know, I think back in the day you could get away with that, that we heard that happened all the time back. Then you still have double families in live


It's true. And you know what? You didn't even have to go far cause like it, it's not like they have cell phones. people see you like tagging you on Instagram No you can go about 40 minutes down the road Nobody will be any the wiser that you got a whole a whole wife and kids. So that's accurate.


and so Pedro hit the road shot and I ain't coming back. Castro ended up leaving his family,


which one


mother. Yes. So left Arielle's mother to go be with his second family and four so Arielle's mother Lillian. She would have to move to Pennsylvania to find work.


so she had to leave Arielle and his three other siblings in Puerto Rico while she went to Pennsylvania. And so during this time they ended up being cared for by their grandmother. name was or Celia Celia mm Yeah it is said that while this period of time that his mom is in Pennsylvania, that when he was staying with his grandmother, he was actually sexually abused by a nine year old local kid in the neighborhood, Oh included sodomy and, and Lord whole gamut.


And so REO never reported this to anyone. I think it went on for a good while before it, I guess, kind of stopped and REO never reported the abuse, never told anyone. But as a result of this abuse at such a young age, he became obsessed with sex


Um that's that's pretty troubling


Yeah. And so finally in 1966, Arielle's mother would return, but according to Arielle, she was very different and she turned into an abusive mother. She would hit them with belts almost daily. She would hit them with steaks, constant insults. So psychologically and physically abusing, her children. So he was exposed to a lot as a child and went through a lot as a child. things finally, I guess, tried to looking a little bit more up for him because in 1970, him and his family would settle in Cleveland, Ohio. So get settled, you know, they're in school there. Working there, I guess kind of on track to living that American dream by 1980, so 10 years after they arrive in the States, are also striking to a girl by the name of Nilda Figero. Now I believe her full name is grim Milda, but she's, it's abbreviated on a lot of websites. I'm just going to call her Nelda for




Because it's easier to pronounce. I'm sorry. I'm a basic bitch. So Nelda was the neighbor of Arielle his family and mind, you know, the was the 17 year old neighbor of Arielle and his family. So at this time he was 20 years old


Oh mm


so we're in the two grown category a little bit.


We are firmly planted in the to grown category


But nonetheless, this Nelda caught his eye and they started dating, but Nelda was Puerto Rican as well. And her family was very old school. they ended up finding out that, Nilda and were tricking off and she lost her virginity to him.




okay, bet. Well, Now she's




You, she's going to have to move in with you together. Y'all go together, right?


y'all go together Y'all go together now she's yours sweating to me




know your germs now she's yours you want to be together so bad together Did they like force a marriage upon them Or was it just of


Well, no, so they actually never gotten married. And again, they met in 1980, and by 1981, NoDa would go on and give birth to her first child with




So I think it was more of a, she was pregnant already and then they push her out, not just like virginity. So it was just like,




care of your responsibilities because So they would have their first child in 1981. Nelda would describe that Arielle's behavior would take a drastic turn. So he became extremely paranoid, possessive, controlling, abusive, you name it. So one, he would actually force her to stay home, lock her in the house. He never wanted her to leave the house without him.




number two, he told her when and where she was allowed to shop. So he had full control, I believe over all their finances and


red flag red flag And I'm going to guess the reason why he's able to do that is because he's working got it Okay mean it's not always like that it makes it that much easier when the abusive person is working and they have more influence over the finances So it's not a good combination


he also controlled what she watched on television. So she had to get approval


not child lock on the TV




Wait wait


had more rights


no puppies have more rights she can't watch what she want to watch You can't shop where she want to shop She can't leave the house What does she fucking created What in the world


right. And just like a dog. This is my last what the fuck that he did. He would just severely beat her if she strayed from any of the directions he gave




So sounded he was like a drill Sergeant telling her sit stand up, bar, whatever. if a little bit,


Oh my God


Right right So Kelly. Right. It's going to, it's about to get even more R Kelly ish up in this bitch. Okay. so the violence towards Nilda definitely continued and definitely became more severe. So progressed, he would oftentimes break her bones, in multiple places. The only time she was allowed to go to the hospital was if the injury was severe enough, like if he felt like, okay, maybe this can't be fixed with like an ice pack. he made her beg and plead and promise that she wouldn't go to the police. So she's in there fighting for her fucking life. please just let me go to the hospital. Like this one is serious and it would just be on like a case by case basis, like, Oh my You said he was breaking bones bones.


W what about the child The child was he also abusing the


not just NoDa.


Oh my God


I would, I




but wait, there's more, there was an instance in 1989 where Arielle would actually be Nelda up in front of her own bread that the police were called and Arielle was arrested, but Nelda was so terrified. She refused to press charges and he ended up being released. someone should have been in jail and it should have been known as brother period.


Right Well both of them should have been in jail somebody somebody is getting bailed out it ain't no motherfucking Arielle because no Do you know how how like ballsy you gotta be to to hit somebody's sister in front but we ain't gonna do shit Oh my God Oh he's a menace Wow He not scared nobody Yeah


but. Through all of this by 1992 REO, wouldn't move his family to a more suburban part of town. 2207 Seymour drive in Cleveland, at this point they had a four children. So Nelda was not only getting her ass beat, but having to pop out children for this


Oh abusing her He was and I know that like he sounds like like he's really deranged and not right So I can't even imagine that even like if she's pregnant like he would even stop like Oh consider consider that she's pregnant and not hit her I'm sure that she was pregnant and he was also still


that comes up pretty shortly.


Oh God


So his paranoia and weirdness and controlling behavior did not stop. they moved to this new home, once they arrived, he would go on to padlock every single door and the house. Yes. And he became hyper-focused on the basement where he was working on a heavy trap door, surrounded by curtains and blankets and Briggs to soundproof it. he my God his own, not like bomb shelter, but private A bunk.








kicker. When he finished the basement, he forbid anyone in the family from going down there except for him. I'm motherfucking wish. My husband would forbid me from entering a room in our house that we bought


I guess he's like I bought it because you didn't


have any power. I'm just saying for me like you know like when it's man caves, or Damn that fine But if I want to walk Yeah that bitch I'm gonna walk up in it Yeah You can't Oh this part of the house is off limits Huh time haters no but you cannot do that because last time I checked we both paid his mortgage So ain't going to be no Oh no girls allowed Huh I don't the deed but you know what based on what I don't like the description the HGTV description of this basement anyway like it sounds like it's not a good time


It sounds like the vibes are off down there I don't




want to go because my fear would be Nobody can hear me screaming if I go down here So like let me not be down there Is that right Right. So again, in his, you know, further paranoid behavior, he would also tent all the windows in the house. He ended up revoking, nailed his phone privileges. So he was in charge of who she could call, incoming calls. She couldn't be on the phone without his permission. And I Yeah to note, cause I haven't even like really touched on what he. Din for living, but he had many odd jobs and one of those jobs, he was a guitarist. And he was a pretty good one because he was in a band that traveled and they play different gigs and local bars. And so when he would go like on these, you know, how bands do like many road trips to go to different bars, play these gigs.


Sometimes he'd be traveling for like four days at a time, like a full beacon and maybe a day or something. He would actually lock his entire family up inside of the home until he returned. So didn't matter if they ran out of food needed to leave. Just anything, uh, exactly. He locked them inside And then when maybe freedom or let them out,


Chris this is the worst shit I ever heard


it's of shit. Oh my gosh.


I'm like my stomach is turning




We've been doing shit for months but I can't think of anything my God this is worse than fucking the one I did for Christmas Wait which one Ronald gene Simmons the one where he did the kind of the same thing Like he he isolated his family and moved them from place to place And then he on that crazy


dug the graves, literally out Okay.


this is worse than Ronald gene Simmons from episode nine a hundred a thousand percent Oh my God


Somehow during this time though, I believe 93 Yeah. No D becomes pregnant again with their fifth child, which Arielle's pissed. He's like, I don't want another baby. takes two to tango and you're






I don't want another kid


me and literally like get off of me then. Yeah.


Please get off of me lock yourself down in the fucking basement


Okay. and it was, that he actually tried kicking and punching Nilda in her stomach and


That is not even how any of that works like that And you make an all the fucking money plan B was not a thing




I know you make all the money get some fucking don't kids Condoms I feel like it came out in the eighties








I'm probably just


right? This is early two thousands, nineties. Like there was ways,




still Nilda did not leave yet. So in October of 1993, REO actually threw Nelda down the stairs of their home and skull.




go to start having seizures a few weeks later and was diagnosed with a blood clot in her brain that hardened into a malign tumor.


I'm going to fucking from what I read, when I read that, I was like, he didn't let her go to the hospital. That's why she started having seizures. why they had, she had an undiagnosed blood clot. Cause if he would've gone to the doctor after falling down the stairs, they're going to have to do MRI a cat scan or whatever the scans to make sure that everything is okay up there. Oh my God handle them all


really did not let her go to the doctors until she was bout on her deathbed.


think this is the worst episode we've ever done to do that I don't want to do this show NoMo because


Well, um, I'm not even ha uh, so a few months later in December, as I said, when he, when he broke her school, that was in October of 93, we're now in December of 93, he would come home drunk, angry, pissed off and started beating on Nilda. his 12 year old son, Arielle junior actually ran out of the house to go get help. And REO got distracted and chased him. And so Nelda took this as her I read that, I was like, damn, it's just fuck Arielle Jr. Right. Cause like what if he kicks? but she ends up locking the doors, calling the police. Thank God. and the officers found it and arrested Arielle. So Nelda was actually called to testify before a grand jury in February of 1994. But Arielle had been released on a$25,000 bail and actually was able to reach Nelda either via phone paid, something like that. once she got into the building and threatened to kill her and the children, if she said anything. And so she walked in there terrified as hell and declared that, you know, the attack never happened. So the against him


Oh God


on our little brighter note. Nelda was like, okay, going to press charges, but I'm still getting the fuck away from you. And she finally had enough she got her and her kids out of the home and she ended up going to stay with her mom and pretty much cut off majority of the contact with between her Arielle and the kids. So she was like, I'm done, during this point of losing his family though, I didn't keep it. Like he could become more paranoid, but he did. he began in multiple like security alarms and systems all over his house and in his house until he was absolutely positively. Sure. That no one would be watching him, he was like, if going to make sure nothing gets past me,


it's mental It is like this is this is you just sitting there watching a footage of you being in the house watching footage of yourself watching footage


And just to tie up his end of the story and bring us to Michelle's story where they're about to meet. no, just started dating a different man by the name of cologne. and Arielle didn't necessarily know about the relationship until about a year in, you know, it's going great with NoDa and Fernando and one of his daughters ended up calling REO and it was from Fernando's in number.


got it


Arielle was




and called him and was like, you've, you've stolen my wife from me. How you know, gonna




ABC one, two, Okay.


right You're not to do


phone, like, like my guy, you didn't even marry her. Like you






your Exactly


your wife at all. And supposedly it's reported that at one point, even try to attempt to run Fernando over as Fernando was walking own kids to school, but Fernando was able to swerve like jump out of the way really quickly before Arielle could hit that, hit and Fernando do the right thing and filed charges, but they were dropped because


Oh God he needs to be in jail


Right. so again, kind of a silver lining in this, and by 1997, was granted full custody of their children. And pretty much Arielle had no rights to visitation the the let's times. But because of him losing his family, losing the control he had over his family, you know, being losing, losing.


Yeah. so with like he had it to begin with and infatuated with BDSM. Oh He got me, he especially on the aspects in porn that is highlighted of like keeping a captive in his home. And so when he overheard. And recognize Michelle Knight's face, who was a friend of Emily who was one of his daughters. He saw the perfect opportunity. So his first victim, Michelle Knight, she unknowingly entered a house of horrors when they were in there.


Again, REO of prompted her with puppies. There were puppies there that I guess she was interacting with, but his daughter was not there. once inside Michelle, said that Arielle changed in for not the better. So he ends up telling her you're not gonna leave here for a long time and he's addressing himself she is bawling. Her eyes out drop, like drops the for begging him, like, please do not do this. need to get my son. I will do anything you want. I'll come like, please just And he ends up toying with her. And I guess she had a picture of her son on her person. He ends up ripping of her son, photo that she had up in front of her. And he tells her you'll never see him again. So the first night that Michelle staying in Arielle's home, she was kept bound with an extension cord wrapped around her legs, arms, and neck. And he shoved a sock in her mouth to muffle her screams. And during that whole day, unfortunately, Michelle was sexually assaulted multiple times a day. And in order to drown out her cries, he would just blast loud music. But that's not to say that during this time of Michelle not showing up for her hearing, and she is still in contact with, you know, family, uh, when her family came to the police and said, you know, we can't find her.


The police assumed that because she wasn't a dog at this point, she was 21 that, you know, she just left and voluntarily wanted to disappear. And so they didn't really exert really much now in trying to find her. And because of the lack of attention that her case, Scott Taunton Michelle with this.


So he would like turn on the news and out like, look, you're not even in the news today. Nobody cared about like trauma. I know. So it was a way of, it was a way of control, just a big like I'm really gonna fuck with you


yeah it seems fucking with her whole head Cause and no one's even looking for me Like she's going to start to believe it and


right. So with his first ever captive Arielle was still not satisfied and he




set his side. his next victim, a 16 year old victim at that. So I do want to note that REO knew that Michelle was like, he'd seen around, I guess, before or knew that she hung out with his daughter,




he thought it was with younger daughter, not his older daughter. And so he thought that she was going to be around 15 or 16, but turns out Michelle was 21. She was just short and small. he always wanted a more under age, a victim and a 16 row by the name of Amanda Berry was his perfect target. So once again, keeping it in their family. Amanda Berry was actually working with Arielle son, Anthony at burger King. That's how he had a connection to Amanda was that his son was working at burger King with her. And it was one of his son's friends.


Why does he keep going to his kids' friends for victims I mean it's it's wrong to have any victims but why you know like there's kids are everywhere like I don't know That's weird Right. he also had said that he really liked her because she was blind, which was intriguing to him. But again, not only was she friends or worked with son, Anthony, she also knew one of his daughters and her name was Angie. So she was familiar with the family. So on April 21st, 2003, this was one day before.


I mean the 17 birthday, she ends up accepting a ride from Arielle one of her shifts ended up burger King. I can not find out if his son was working too, but I'm guessing not I'm thinking he just swung by zeroed in on her and planned it from when his son wasn't working. So, yeah. So on the way home, memo, you guessed it. He tells a Miranda that his daughter is home they should stop by and say hello, like, yeah. You know, like home. Like, let's just go say Hey to And Amanda agrees again. He picked another victim who obviously was friends with his children, but because he wasn't necessarily a part of their life like that and had limited visitation, she had




She just




about him through the children, talking about


Right or not because it and to me if this was my situation if I saw my mother being abused at my siblings and I were abused by this man I'm not going to go telling my friends especially in high school about my my super abusive father because that's they're traumatized They're not going to just be telling everyone like Oh avoid my father because he's a fucking predator and and an abuser they if they ask about their dad if his friend if their friends ever ask about like Oh where's your dad it's just they're not going to fucking tell them So my goodness this is this is crazy because this I can definitely see somebody saying like Oh yeah I'll stop by and say hi


right. yeah, I guess there like a, probably a level of shame in it too, because that's awful to have that as a father, who




to your own mother. So, yeah, that's a great point. so, but along those same lines, he ends up using one of his dogs, a guard dog to distract term. And once she, I guess, turned her back, he ended up stealing her phone 16 year old Amanda Berry against her will.


At this point how long has has Michelle been Because that was the we're in April


2002. Amanda was April 21st, 2003.


Six months Wait right September October November December January March April seven months


Seven months. Yeah, almost coming up on a year. So being that Michelle was 21 years old. How does kind of a CD background? case was handled one way, but Amanda Berry was a 16 year old happy, well-liked young girl and her disappearance in shockwaves throughout the entire community her parents were extremely vocal. They were on. TV screens everyday pleading for any information about her her whereabouts Arielle kind of did something he hadn't done before up until this point. So he waited a few days and then decided to call mother from her phone. So on the line, he ended up telling that he had her, he didn't obviously say his name. He just said, you know, her fine. be coming home in a few days,


first off He's stupid




why if I was him and I was an abuser and a terrible person a piece of shit I would say call your mom tell her you hate her tell her you ran away And you're never coming home that or else you know like it and then that would be a whole other thing like that Why would you the narrative So it's like yeah I ran away I had a boyfriend or somebody that you didn't know about And um I ran away or um I'm joining a band and I know you'll never see me again by like Why would I have she'll be back right. Just moving Right? back Right Uh, just Nina for a few days. I'll I'll return. Like, no, that's not it So at this point, the FBI Simpson and they're like, yeah so this is an abduction and the case will now be treated as such because there were still some talks about like, she did run away. Like maybe they always do. They, maybe you don't know your child, you know? Well, as you think you do. Right and so the FBI does enough triangulating this call to like a few blocks radius park the van in the vicinity of that area. But they could never pinpoint her phone because after Arielle called her mom this one time, he never called back he got rid of the phone.


So that was one thing. He was smart, I guess about maybe since the heat was coming, maybe he realized it was stupid. I don't know. But during this time, a way that REO messed with psychologically was that he would tell her that, you know, your family is not looking for you because I told them that we're a couple now and not to search for you and that we're in love. to see the TV for her to see that her family.


Cause was you loved you It was TV time all the time before but let's let's see who's on the news now




why didn't why couldn't the FBI just start doing like house calls house checks a Google book everybody in this


but I would have bust out every door. At this point though, y'all were in the home stretch, but not really because Arielle was still not done. He thought, Hey, I haven't been caught this long, so I must be doing something right. And he decided to test his luck yet again with a, another kidnapping. youngest starter. Arlene was best friends was best friends with ed girl named Gina Jesus or day. Hey, Seuss. But I think I'm gonna say de Jesus,




should I say date?


Sorry. All again. Basic as hell. Anyways, these girls are 14, 14 years old. So the youngest. Future victim of REO Castro. So on April 2nd, 2004, if you can see from these dates. So Amanda was taken April 21st, 2003. was taken August, 2002 he's spacing them out like a year apart or so just about every year around the same time between April and August.


a girl three years in a row. So April 2nd, 2004, Arlene and Gina would leave school together. And so the girls would head to a payphone to call Arlene's mother Nelda, And they're asking those, uh, Hey, like, can we please go over to Gina's house and have a sleepover now? You know how mom is? Do you either got to catch them on a good day or not?




Arlene bring that ass home. Gina have a good night. Okay. And so the girls would split up from here. I know it's it goes home and Gina starts to head home as well. This was all taking place around 3:00 PM. So I would say about 30 minutes after school gets out, we used to get out at two 30. So I would think three is about After you're released. But Arlene would go on to be the last person alive before her disappearance from that day. So in the cut, like the fucking weirdo, he is, Arielle's like hiding back. He was in route to pick up the girls that day, and spotted them.


But didn't like way like, Hey girls, I'm over here. I'll give you a ride He's in the fucking bushes them. And he waited until they got to the phone booth and split up when he decided, yep. I'm taking Gina. So he holding up next to Gina as she's walking to her home. he tells her that, Hey, I was in route or I was at the school waiting for you and Arlene and I couldn't find y'all and now I found you, can you help me look for all Arlene?


you get in the car and come help me search? no Gina was probably the most comfortable with Arielle. I shouldn't say most comfortable, but knew him better because Gina's own father had gone to school, high school with Arielle. So they knew each other. I believe she had met him before a few times. so she actually had seen him face to face. So she really had no reason to feel, I guess, apprehensive about getting in the car with him. And so once I get in the car, though, is like pointing to him, like, yeah, we just split up here. So go this way. He starts going in the opposite she's like, um, what are you doing? And he's My house is that way And so he ends up telling her and he switches between two different stories. That one, I have to pick up my other daughter at my house because we're going to go pick out a speaker, like a boom speaker. And




he also said, but I also need to go pick up other daughter, so that we could go to the mall.


You can read it It's like so much information about what your plans are Like why is everything about that Like just take me


I'm telling you, you came to me and said, you're looking for your other daughter, Arlene,




direction about


To get the other yeah It's not adding up And


Exactly. And at first, when I was researching, I was like, well, how did, how did his daughter Arlene not see them driving together? And I'm like, well, cause he lived at a separate place. So he's in the original house. His mom and them had moved out to a different place. So they're probably in the completely opposite


direction, yeah would've seen


all. And so regardless because of this, once again, Arielle gets Gina inside of his home and Gina foot out again for another 10 years.


my So Oh my God is the OJI of his captives she was actually ordered to drill holes in the walls and put up a second set of chains on them Yes. So Michelle was actually allowed to meet Gina cause they, he Oh wait Oh he couldn't convenient it so they can't or anything


own way of communicating, if he heard it would be like, hell to pay.


wait hold on Hold on So how did they use the bathroom Get me outta here Get me outta here buckets




say she chained them up every day


they would either go on themselves or when he would let them, Isn't a hell hot enough it's not,


This is the last episode of this podcast doing this shit so again, he abducted another girl who actually had a very loving family who was not gonna stop fighting for her. And so one witnessed her abduction and the police decided not to issue an Amber alert. When her family came to the police station, like her father was very pissed off. He was like, the Amber alert should work for any missing child, it's an abduction or runaway, a child needs to be found.


We need to change the saw because they classified her a which I guess was the thing to do. I


She's 14 where are they going Where are they going Is that some like lollipop farm that we all don't fucking know about These children are they faring Well outside better outside the home than inside the home Answer that question Police


Okay. I do want note that a year after Gina went missing FBI would release a composite sketch and description of a male suspect male suspect they were describing was listed as Latino 25 to 35 years of age five 10 inches tall 165 to 185 pounds with green eyes a goatee and possibly a pencil thin beard Uh he fits some of the things not exactly though Castro was actually five foot seven So a little bit on the shorter side but he had Brown eyes and a goatee.


you know he's probably like a little you know like you haven't got light eyes or something




understand like when you profile someone it's like you probably maybe you look like this or maybe you are grew up like this and maybe this is like your emo or whatever but I call her is wishful thinking


right. showcase how it happened. I do.


Whoever came up with that physical description was like thinking about Terrence


Oh Tony five,


like Ooh


and at then Pennsylvania. Yeah. Maine.


kind of cute Maybe So they were looking for somebody who did not look like that but okay


Right. Right. So I am going to briefly walk through really quickly. Just, really touched on, on a little bit of the trauma and torture these girls went through, but not nearly enough of this shit. So clearly had an approach. He had an emo, he always chose young girls between 14, 15 to 21. he was able to hunt and scout them because they were all friends of his He also let their guard down by offering them a ride and he would pretty much be cool up until the point of getting them into the home, then it was like he would turn into different person. So every single girl that he abducted, he would, and this is graphic. So trigger morning, if you want to click off, please do. But he would masturbate like over them and then rape them once before restraining them and duct tape then leaving them in the soundproof basement. He would chain and gag them after some time though, of keeping these girls, as long as he did, did move to trust some of them trust them all pretty much. And he would let them move around upstairs sometimes just depending on the day, but they were always chained by the waist at all times. he would give them clothes that like he had grown out of and would only feed them fast food. And sometimes leftovers, they, as I mentioned earlier, they were forced to use a plastic bin as a toilet. would sometimes rape about four to five times a And what this, the sickest part about this whole thing is that after each time he would rape them, would throw small at them to make them


He always, he would trick himself in his mind that by giving them money, they're And in my God he would barter with them about different goods that they could get with the money that they've earned from their consensual sex So Hold on So he would sexually assault Then throw money at and then like a rapist themed Chucky cheese be like so which one do you like what do you want what do you what do you want How many so this week maybe you you get to use the actual toilet this time next time you need to use a bathroom or neck this time you to take a shower alone or something like probably not even that like that's what he was doing Aye this is the most most mental illness I've ever ever I've been listening to true crime for years This is the sickest shit I have ever heard in my life


stuck with me when I first saw it reported in the news, because it sounded so Farfetch what do you mean you have three underneath your




has seen and




years, for some of them,


It seems it seems like well I've seen unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and it seems so far-fetched and so crazy I'm like no way This is like some movie shit Like there's no way this really happened but you're telling me that this really happened but this is like giving them money


It's just like how many how many dollars just to wrap up this section I know this has been so long, but this was a full, full case. He would also pretend then wait outside of the door to see if they would try to escape. And then from there, if they try to escape, he would whoop their ass.


playing like cat and mouse with these girls and their lives.




okay he would have people like visitors over, he was not in the house. He would blare music loud to make sure that no one heard them screaming. literally come over. He was in a band. That's what I'm like the band had broken broken up We not we not practicing over at my house No no no We can't practice over at my because it smells like shit and piss and all types of shit in my house So Okay And he would often times, like I said, beat them, starved them, threatened them with guns if, they disobeyed and sometimes he would let them interact with each other, but they'd be punished if they ever got too friendly with each other. also would force Amanda and Gina to watch different TV reports on their disappearances.


of their missing posters on the wall to talk them about it. And actually at one point, he, Michelle said this in an interview now, remember Michelle's the oldest one and who has been held captive the longest. tried to strangle her even made her dig her own grave in the backyard and was going to go through with it. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. I guess he had a little change of heart in captivity trauma and rape and torture. He was like, you know what? I won't do it. You're welcome. Like but I do also want to note that by December 25th, so on.




Of 2006 had actually gotten Amanda pregnant birth to a daughter in 2006,


How how how first off you know what sidebar about pregnancy We over here like Oh you gotta do Lamaze classes and you can't drink coffee and you can't eat this and you have to sleep with a special pillow and you got to do all this stuff This whole industry built around making having them in by shit So that they're you have a healthy pregnancy If a woman chained up in a fucking basement with no access to a shower to a toilet to fresh air can give birth to a live child We are tougher than we fucking think Richard go and do what it do man God none of that shit because we we women are strong as hell as hell Wow And it was just unfortunate that she first child


a product of Awful awful And at this point I mean we you said this was the And she was at this point how old was she still a minor


That was in 2003 So yeah She's like well she's 19 right


19 Three years later Three years later mean she's I guess technically not a minor but still a teenager technically and her first child is a product of rape by her captor and abuser has to give birth alone or with the in captivity and Gina. her so onto my Terrifying this tragedy, until may six, 2013, that Amanda Berry was finally able to make contact with Arielle Castro's neighbors leading to her escape with her six year old daughter. And the rescue of Gina and Michelle by authorities. So yeah


She was she grew up in the fucking basement Oh Oh Oh my God right Okay Good All right Okay Yeah


that day, Arielle ended up leaving the house Amanda had noticed that he failed to like check the lock one of the,




door. Yeah. and like the X. So it's one of the, I think it was like one of those, to like the main door


Oh you uh the screen door


door. Yes. So, the exterior exterior, like screen door was bolted. Um, but Amanda was still super scared to break through to the outdoor because she thought is he testing us again? Like he never does. This is this really like, what's going on? so she was able to escape, like take down the bolts.


my God


out the like lower part of the screen door.


And she was screaming for help through the screen. And there walking by And so the first neighbor who came up was a guy by the name of angel Oh my God and he was yeah he was trying to alert to someone because he didn't speak pretty like pretty English So he was unable to communicate able to wave down another neighbor by the name of Charles Okay Hm Came to the front door with angel to like try to get this woman out they kicked a hole through the bottom of the screen door and Berry through and she was holding her daughter


And so Charles Ramsey said that Barry ended up telling him that she was being held against her will with her child inside of this house And that there were two other ones people


my God


being held against their will Charles Ramsey who helped ended up calling nine one one her on the phone


And she said help me I've been kidnapped I've been missing for 10 years and I'm free now. I'm free now. So police officers actually respond to Arielle's home. they walk through God upstairs. They're announcing themselves through peaking and different, dorm rooms. And they finally opened one bedroom dorm and it's Michelle. And she looks at them and she runs into the policemen's arms. And she yells you say me? And God Gina it was okay to come out and she enters the hallway and they are taken out by the police, all three women still alive. Plus the child of Amanda Berry and they're taken Oh you imagine the I don't even know what like can you imagine finally after 10 years after 10 plus years I wouldn't even believe my eyes I would be like this is a dream I have ascended and this is not even real




sure rescue at that point was like


I don't




I don't see how people keep their mind, their because a bitch like me, how I'm built. I'm out of there after day two


a butterfly on day three So


taking it are, y'all gonna take me out. Cause I'm at, I know I'm not built for that. I know I'm not strong enough. I know me


doing going to as hell I would've definitely gotten killed though Cause I would have absolutely tried to kill him knowing good and be damn well Like I know my shit would've cracked Like I would've snapped I would've tried to kill him and do a whole bunch of stuff and he would have been like you know what you're more trouble than you're worth I am going to kill you like Sweet release that's Because I'm in hell anyway so


right, And I just, I, you know, he had to do a number on these women because they were so terrified of him. They were so scared of even true. I'm sure there have been other times in those 10 years where maybe he forgot to lock the door or something,




so terrified of him. And so many times he'd come back and beat them. them or whatever that they were just like, it's not even worth it. So one day, point it's like, what, what, my daughter's six years old down here. Like,


no no And I know he wasn't like splurging on ABC mouse I really want to know how the child turned out


all accounts. So Amanda and Gina and Amanda's baby, they were released next day in the hospital. And now Michelle did have to say for like four extra days, but all three of the women and Amanda's child were reunited with their families and have gone on have


Wow Well that's a blessing so okay Tell me So they they w they were rescued from the home They went to the hospital Tell me how audio Castro got caught Like how did they get them




to this job


was it more pazazz fire whatever I'm 93% sure He got they ran his tags He was pulled over house he went in with like not a fight fuck Yeah Yeah got his ass house is I get None of no he had no clue what he okay up into Right So I Okay know and I don't want to spend too much time on him because fuck him he got off easy because he casual pleaded guilty on July 26 of nine, I believe to 937 of the 977 charges against him. So down bad times a thousand, literally a thousand. I'm not sure All these charges included kidnapping and rape, and he ended up accepting a plea bargain for which he was sentenced to consecutive sentences of life in prison. Plus a thousand years all without parole. Under his plea deal to right to an appeal and he could not profit to his crime. So all them book deals them, sit down interviews, nigga. No


wait. So what he, because of his plea deal, no death penalty. There's no death penalty in Ohio.


it's because of the plea deal, because he ended


Wow. Just cause you okay. You're guilty and you're flying bitch. Like why are we thank you for letting us know that you did this thing that you so clearly did. You won't get, you don't get a fucking cookie for admitting that you did the thing that we know you fucking did. Why? isn't he? Why, why but nonetheless, during his sentencing, he ended up actually addressing the court for like 20 minutes. And he would go on to say that he fuck you and not a monster, he did have an addiction to sex and pornography.


He also could make he never beat or tortured women. And that most of the sex he had with these women was consensual. He also went into a weird, like rant or tirade about how like, well, you know, I just kept doing it because the FBI wouldn't catch me woe is me like, I was just a victim of these, We had sexual acts and me. themselves in your basement. the final kicker. His final statement was, I hope they can find in their hearts to forgive me on in that home. Harmony. What the hell do you mean harmony?


Oh At home. I think he, it's just, it's just the first it's harm and we know only part of it. Okay. It was just harm going on. You harm and these women years sexually harming physically harming mentally, emotionally, psychologically harming women. Maybe you, maybe that shit mixed up, but that's not, that's not the word you were looking for. You stupid, ugly rapist. bitch. Oh, I'm ready to fight him right now.


on September 3rd of 2013, Arielle Castro would be found hanging from a bedsheet in his detention cell at the correctional reception center in orient, into his life sentence and was 53 at the time of his death. staff did try to perform CPR on him before he was taken to the hospital, pronounced dead shortly after. So that motherfucker


Isn't that crazy. So you had these women locked up for years in the worst possible version of prison or dungeon that I can possibly imagine. And your bitch ass couldn't even make it a month. he had a roommate. I'm going to hell. I'm going to hell right now. My brother beat his ass.


Not low. Nods is running a special Let's go Let's put on our Satan shoes and go fucking ass. This is the worst shit I ever. I'm as you Chan, because it is absolutely absurd. I don't have any wrap-up points because there's not like a wrap up to this story because it's just so fucking awful. But shout out to Michelle, NEI and Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus. I hope you are doing baby. I hope you are still doing well.


Prayers. I mean, if there was ever a time to clasp together




that the tips of your fingertips down to hell to Haiti's to the fucking core put your myths together and put those prayers all the way down. I mean, down into another fucking dimension bitch, like pass past earth, past the Milky way past the Oort cloud, you gotta go past all this shit because ready to transcend. I might have to transcend to hell. I wanna, like, I want the thoughts that are going through my mind are so fucking evil that I would want to do to him. This nigga deserves to be flayed,


him tarred and feathered.


I want game of Thrones out torture. want the puppies, so-called puppies eat him alive because, this is the most press Downey is shit I've ever heard of in my life. I never knew that such evil. Yeah. Yeah. This is y'all




thank God we don't have any. Good luck and God bless to all three those women


honestly God has real Beyonce that God is real because for them to have survived such, such evil, that's such a horrible experience. I really don't have anything to say either. Except the police are fucking stupid. They should have been kicking down the doors, the four fours find out where these young girls actually were.


I wish that they would have been able to, to find them sooner. the psychological, emotional, physical, emotional torture, sexual torture that these women endured is there are no words. I'm just so happy that they made it out alive and that since then, they've been able to tell their story and completely turned their lives around.


work for like shows for work or something.


Oh my goodness. after all of that, want to give back to other people and help other people. Oh, wow. Prayers up prayers up. Yes. Because wow. That is, I guess that's the best possible ending. the only thing that would have been better is if they would have peeled off his fucking fingernails, one by one with a pair of pliers and then set them on fire. but he is dead now and he can't hurt anyone else.


Right. I mean, I just hope they have closure. There's only so much you can


Right, Oh, excellent Excellent storytelling, Kristin. I mean, give her the Oscar, give her what, what is the the award for podcasting? I don't know. but you won everybody give it up.


a bad No you did that. You really did that. excellent storytelling. I was engaged. I was enthralled. I felt like I was there. yeah Excellent story Chris And even though I hated every yes, but you did that shit. That was excellent storytelling, Kristin. I mean, normally, so yeah, normally at this point we would do so. Hi guys. I don't really have one. be grateful right alive, fresh air, toilet paper, like hot shower, you know, Praise be blessed, be the fruit. there's really nothing in particular that I feel like I need to highlight because everything's going so great. Uh, life is grand. But you know, I think maybe we should do, cause I feel like coming up with still highs is kind of hard.


next time, you know, we're gonna, we're going to ask you audience we'll post on Instagram next week and we'll ask you to submit some so high as, and we'll read them on the next episode. about that? it, We need, we, we want to talk to you all more anyway. I'll post something like on Monday and Tuesday and we'll pick ones and then we'll read them. I liked it. Okay, cool. So, I think that's about it, right? Episode 18. Wow. That went by fast, right? Next week we'll be back with episode 19. I don't know how I'm going to follow this one up. This week's episode was, this is the most doozy as doozy that we've ever had. I think this one, you knocked them out the box rig. You did it. but I'll do my best, until then guys follow us on Instagram at quiet as it's kept podcasts on Twitter at quake the pod, the links are in the bio. If you cannot spell the links are right there. as always, be blessed. Oh, you know what? I think this would be a good time to, to introduce the sign-off that we talked about, Okay. So finally after 18 episodes, we have a sign-off official sign-off and if y'all hate it, then we'll change it. But right now the sign off is, uh, level trust some