Quiet As It's Kept

Busted, Disgusted & Pizza Crusted

Quiet As It's Kept Season 1 Episode 17

This week D'Janai tells the story of Lonnie Franklin Jr. aka "The Grim Sleeper"
Lonnie Franklin Jr. (00:18:40)

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D'Janai :




D'Janai :

Hey, hello, welcome back to yet another episode of, okay.


quiet as it's kept. I'm a cohost of this, one of a pod. I'm Kristin.

D'Janai :

And I'm and again, this is quite as it's kept the podcast, the true crime Swami podcast brought to you by black, from black women to black women. I don't know what our fucking thing is, you know what? Let's just get into it because let's get right into the sponsors. Okay. This week's episode is brought to you by the devil


Haiti's hell

D'Janai :

as busy, as busy as he is. He really finds a way to smear his evil on just about everything. Everything has really just gone from worse to worse, or, I think w Kristen and I are in the same space right now. I don't know what's going on. Whoever got our Rudolph's put them down, but arrest. Okay.


right? Cause it's whooping my ass and it's supposed to be the age of Aquarius. It was like the age of a Gemini. I don't like that.

D'Janai :

Nope. How about the age of a Scorpio? Like straight up



D'Janai :

otherworldly evil?


It's not good.

D'Janai :

No, it's not beginning with, I feel like what's what kicked it off for me. so I was trying to, go to the gym, you know, on my athletes shit. And I went to the gym for three days and my fucking hand blew up. Like the motherfucking clumps. I'm not even joking. My motherfucking, my pinkie was on fire. it was hurting me for like a couple of days. And then I went to urgent care, shout out to urgent care, just kidding.


Eat rocks.

D'Janai :

I went to urgent care and I was going to get like, Oh, I have insurance. I'm going to get, you know, medical care. No. I go there and the doctor and I say that with air quotes, with my fingers that do work, uh, I went to urgent care and was seen by a doctor. And she proceeded to tell me, I showed her my hand. It was red, it was swollen. It was sensitive to touch, which means that what can I do, Kristin? I can't do my work. Can't can't edit the podcast. Can't go to the gym.


can barely wipe her ass.

D'Janai :

Barely. My shit was cemented, glued. Shut it. Wasn't I swear to God that wasn't wasn't have a left hand. but it was, it was fucked up. it's hurting so bad. And I showed the doctor and she's like, yeah, uh, it could be, it could really be anything. It could be rheumatoid arthritis. It y'all, I'm 28. It could be rheumatoid arthritis. It could be, possibly lupus. I said, lupus,



D'Janai :

She was like, yeah. You know, when joints flare up, it could be lupus. I said, mess is 10 o'clock in the morning. On a Monday, I thought they were going to like split me up, hit me with a cortisone shot. Send me on about my day. Now we will be here to talk about motherfucking lupus.


Can I ask, did she ask you any, you know, like follow up questions? Like, it's not like you reported like, Oh, I've been having joint pain all over my body, or I don't know all this like, signs that lupus is emerging, that's, you don't just go. Like, if I come in with like, you know, my eyes, little red, normal dogs would be like, Oh, probably pink guy. You wouldn't be like eye cancer. You know what I'm saying? Like,

D'Janai :



broad, like that's, uh, that's not good bedside manner.

D'Janai :

It's not. And so, as you can imagine, Oh, and this is like, I just got my period the day before, so I was already PMs thing. And now this, and I'm like, so then she's, she's telling me this and she's she's like, okay, well, you know, there's nothing really that we can do. You have to go see, you need to go see a PCP and then see a hand specialist and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So then, I'm upset and I'm like clearly upset. And so a nurse comes in first off, Oh, hold on. Booboo, booboo. I even tell you the nurse who came in before the doctor, she came in to like take my symptoms or whatever. So she was like, why are you here? And so I proceeded to tell her, and instead of pulling out a tablet or a clipboard, this bitch is writing one her hand. She has a glove on her left hand and she is writing my symptoms on her left hand. Like I'm giving her my fucking order at Denny's.


Oh my gosh.

D'Janai :

Not about the fucking paper. Why are you writing down my vitals? She was like, Oh, let's take your blood pressure. Wrote it on her hand. This, I think this is not, this is not the answer to the test later bitch. Where's the paper,


not even a notepad,

D'Janai :

not a notepad, not a tablet.


a sticky note would have been

D'Janai :

Even the post-it note would have been better. No, she voted on a glove.


But ghetto

D'Janai :

I am in the hood now, so yeah, that was dumb. Then, then the doctor comes in talking to telling me some lupus bitch, I'm weeping. I'm crying and look, Oh my God, I'm going to die. And then wait. And then the doctor comes in. Oh. And so she was like, well, there's nothing you can do right now. That's what can do right now, except give you an x-ray and then give you a shot for the pain that my hand was hurting so bad. I was like, give me that shot. So she was like, okay, no problem. The nurse nurse, glove love hand comes back in and she's like, all right, I'm here to administer your shot. I'm gonna need you to pull down your pants. I said, excuse me, excuse me. I mean, normally people buy me dinner first. Why am I pulling down my pants?



D'Janai :

And she was like, She'll tell me all kinds of things, including telling me I need to get a shot in my butt sheet, which was apparently what was going on.



D'Janai :

So I'm like, wait, hold on. So then I'm like really upset. I'm like, I'm gonna need you to leave because this is not what we discussed. I was like, how come the doctor was telling me everything about rheumatoid arthritis and lupus and said nothing about me getting a shot in my ass. So the doctor comes back in and she's, she's just as confused as I am. She's like, Oh, what's going on here? Why are you so upset? Why are you crying? I was like in this clown, urgent care. And then she was like, I'm just doing my job and blah, blah, blah, blah. I was like, yo, tell this bitch to come in here and get, give me this fucking shot so I can get the hell out of here. So I did get a shot in my butt. It did hurt, and fast. This is my life y'all. And so, three days and$60 worth of copays later, I'm sitting in a hand doctor, hand specialists office, just for him to inform me that bitch. Did you know that I am Wolverine? Yes. Apparently I am self healing and my hand is doing the Lord's work. There's nothing anybody can do about what's going last is a wait for it to go away. So basically I have like a condition called trigger finger y'all watch out. And basically I injured my hand at the gym, which made it flare up. And that is why, my hand did what it did. But, to the Atlanta medical community, I just have to say dishonor dishonor on you, dishonor on them, fucking gloves, dishonor on your terrible bedside manner.



D'Janai :

Dishonor, because y'all ain't slick. Like they was just like, let's see how many copays we can get out of this bitch. That had to be the emo. So


ultimate goal at the end of the day.

D'Janai :

honestly, like I know this bitch, as soon as she walked out to the doctor, as soon as she left, she was on her phone. Just say same way. I was, she was like, she was on web MD, just grasping at straws. The same way I fucking was. She didn't know what the hell was going on.


see that Benjamin internal and an episode of Grey's anatomy and said, yeah, let's go with that one.

D'Janai :

So I will have to say like, living in Atlanta is great. Just don't get sick or hurt because they're going to play a fucking play Russian roulette in your motherfucking face. They're going to play with your health. So, um, yeah. And then that's just like, that's just the tip of the iceberg for me personally, because as we've seen outside has opened up. And just a crack and it's fucking Pandora's box like literal murder and mayhem. Niggas was comfortable fighting in Miami hate crimes. What is going on?


you know, as a kid, Miami always looked so glamorous. Like it, it used to really be that the who's who was in Miami, But I always looked like so glamorous and fun and like neon and like, I always wanted to go. And the only time I've been to Miami was to, board on a cruise ship. Um, so we just like drove through and I was like, ah, the poem tree. So cool now. And I've had friends who've gone and they're like, yeah, you go out, like, you're going to pay like 18 to$30 for out for a drink. That's probably watered down, which I have no desire to go to Miami whatsoever, especially not with no children and all you grown-ass people who are in your strong 24 to 28 years of age and are talking about going to spring break. We're going to spring break bitch. You are on T Oh, you are on paid time off. There is no spring break after you turn 21 period, unless you have children. You're not going to no damn spring break. Like y'all are big grown to be running to Miami to go hang out with 18 and 19 year olds. How to use fake IDs to even get in their hotel room bike. It's it's to merge. It is to

D'Janai :

I didn't even know that that was a thing until the other day. I was like, no, no, not y'all grown ass is using up your good PTO hours to go party with teenagers


teenagers, babies. Like they should be doing that shit. I expect them to be reckless. I expect them to

D'Janai :

in the middle Panasonic.


Yes, but we pre Madonna. We are in the thick of it and there's grown acids all it's like out there, like, yeah, we turn it up in Miami. Okay. Godspeed, because you need your ass beat

D'Janai :

Exactly. Oh my


chaos. It's

D'Janai :

They work Kung Fu fighting in Miami. You saw the video, right? The footage, the beautiful beam footages of all those people fighting in the street, scrap, ping. Serina was like, Oh my God, I, if I was there, I would have been running back to the hotel room, sprinting with tears in my eyes.


No, no. And what

D'Janai :

This is the first thing I'll do, like Why


Why? My guys, why.

D'Janai :

everybody was Kung Fu fighting. I was like, this is a brawl. This is crazy.


It's it was

D'Janai :

This is the first thing I'll do when you get out the house, go back and now,


right. And fighting for what? Cause like there's no way all those people who were fighting. I bet it was just like, Oh, they looked at me wrong. Like I know y'all, don't even know each other. What are y'all fighting? Like you're about to board a plane back to Detroit. And you're about to come back to Atlanta. Like you're never going to see each other again for weeks.

D'Janai :

yeah. What is all that about? Mean it's. I mean, I was the cutoff age for a fight. Like, I mean, I feel like you're never too old to get your ass whooped, but there is an optimal age and there's a cutoff. And I feel like for me, it's 30. I got like two years to make it happen. But for me it's 30.


you on that. 30 is like the limit, but I'm also like after 30 that's when you just like pimp slap people, no need a bra. Let me do that. Then I'm just going to smack the shit out of you and we'll keep it pushing. But yeah, about 30, it should be in my opinion, like 24, probably like actually like fighting the mistreat, but 30, you can still get away with it because you

D'Janai :

That's the very top of like, right. Somebody would really have to be fucking with Jews for you to do that. Like really


out of character, for sure. But some people really deserve to get their ass beat. So it is what it is. You can't provoke and provoke and provoke. And then when someone jumps back, you're like, Oh my gosh, assault, no bitch.

D'Janai :

Exactly. But certain things don't go together. Like I'm like, bitch, I got like I got a 500 connections on LinkedIn. What do I look like fighting somebody in the street? Like I don't need, nobody's being like, Oh yeah. So she's a gifted storyteller and she's, uh, she went to this company and she can whoop ass. Like nobody's


go. Exactly.

D'Janai :

Once you, once you get on LinkedIn and you get a certain amount of, connections, you've got to stop all that shit. That's gotta turn off because I don't want nobody to be like, Oh, why were you let go in your last position? Oh, assault. Somebody looked at me wrong


And, or hanging out with people who

D'Janai :



I'm right. I'm a big fan of like, I know me personally, when I'm really mad, it takes me a minute to get there. But when I am there, I'm an assassin with my words. I will cut deep. It's not something I'm proud of, but I will come other fucking deep. So I value more like a tongue lashing in an actual physical bra, but I'm not, nobody's exempt from getting their ass beat. If it's warranted. I'm not saying all you're in fight. Everybody who looks at you wrong. I'm just saying if push came to shove and like someone uses the hard are in a store, I'm like, I go out,

D'Janai :

Oh yeah. Oh man. Absolutely. I was ready to drag a bitch through CVS.



D'Janai :

for my day. Waiting for my ship to come in.


To the right people.

D'Janai :

no, because they'll be the ones taking their phone out. I'm like kicking phones on.


when you hear it? I would have popped her in her face and been ran off on the plug twice.

D'Janai :

Yeah. Period. By the time somebody got, they found out I'd be all the way down the fucking Boulevard. I'm like. I'm whooping your fucking ass and I'm out. I'm not pulling out no phones to can be documented. Absolutely not. Um, but yeah, I mean, this is, this is crazy because it's just like these, I mean, they just opened up outside of just the crack just a little bit. So since then, all we've seen is, the ugliest parts of humanity with hate crimes. Shootings was just a shooting yesterday.


up to

D'Janai :

Like it's ridiculous. And for like, I'm like, well, why are we rushing to go back outside again? Like I forget it. Like, what was the big pull there? Because the shit is not enticing to me. I don't want it.


at all, people are gonna lose their fucking minds.

D'Janai :

Yeah. So, I mean, for me, this week's episode is brought to you all by none other than Bill's above himself and my house, because I'm never leaving this bitch ever again, because outside has no type of behavior. Y'all are sick. Do you have another one or were both it's both by the devil,


Don't mind is hell so we're we're here, baby.

D'Janai :

the devil in hell we're here. So, moving right along to announcements, well, we don't really have too many announcements, but we do want to thank you all for your feedback. It seems like last week's compilation episode was well received. Um, you guys seem to like that one, so we'll try to do more of those because, it's way easier than, uh, the traditional episodes. So yeah, we'll try to incorporate more of those into our weekly lineup on, and also thank everyone. Thank you all for all the new reviews. Like not only does it help us. I know, right. We got like 70 now and it was maybe a couple of weeks ago. It was like 15. So, thank you so much. Because of the reviews and not only helps, helps us, helps people find us and helps us grow. But also it's like a major like mood boost because it gives me the warm fuzzies every time I feel like, you know what. Fuck everything. I'm not doing anything. I was like, you know what? He love us. So, and we're, we're doing something good, right? We're doing something with ourselves. So thanks to all of the keepers that, went on and left us a review on Apple podcasts. If you haven't yet done that, please, please do that. Uh, helped, definitely helps us out a lot. And if you don't have Apple podcasts, then, um, I know, you know, somebody who does please take their phone, leave us a review, five stars, please. We really appreciate it. And also thanks to all the keepers that purchased a quiet as it's kept mug, we've got some, some more sales and we want you to know every single dime goes towards the production costs of this podcast. So we thank you because this is coming out of our own pocket for now. But thank you. Thank you so much. all right. I think that's it. Right. Okay. So, uh, as always, you guys can always go straight to the story. The chapters are in the description as well, along with all the links that we're talking about will be re referenced. So, that's it. Okay. This week I'm going, I have a story for y'all. We're doing a, um, quiet as kept classic mode, where I'm going to tell a story and you all including Kristin are going to listen. So I want you all to follow me to the West coast in the eighties. Christmas thrown up gang signs, um,


no, I'm not. I have respect to all gang. Well, let me not say that. Right.

D'Janai :

so it is, uh, the eighties in California and specifically it's 1989 in Los Angeles, California, and nitro Washington was outside her home in Inglewood when an eerily familiar man approached her and the man spoke to her and he asked, do you know me Enietra replied, am I supposed to, as she should have. Uh, and just as quickly as he had approached her, the man turns and walked away. So later I need SRE. She had been thinking about it for a minute. And then she realized that she had seen that man before, actually about a year before she realized that he was there the night that she had lost her purse and had nearly lost her life. So let's go back to that day. It's November 20th, 1988, and then 30 year old in each row, Washington. She's walking down the street in South central LA and she's on her way to her friend Linda's house because they're going out to a party. So as she's walking an orange Ford Pinto with white racing, stripes pulls up beside her. There's a black man sitting in the driver's seat and the man pulls over and attempts to strike up a conversation. right. We don't like that. We don't like that, but you know what? He doesn't just sit in the car to try to talk to her. He actually pulls over, gets out the car. I mean, it's not better. It's not worse


that's, that's worse to me. I'd rather be catcalled as you're driving by then you get out of your car

D'Janai :

Mm, well, I'm saying like, let's just, let's just, if we, if, if it wasn't a scary situation, like if he was cute and had money and he was trying to talk to you, then it's like, well, at least he was nice enough to get out of the car. Now



D'Janai :

I'm going to


going to be a no for me, dog, but then again, you know, I'm anti right now to all men, so it could just be

D'Janai :



my own discussed.

D'Janai :

That comment really, um, I've got kidnapped me written on my fucking forehead anyways, so no. Okay. Um, but he hops out of the car and he starts chatting her up and she notices he's a little bit shorter than her. And he appears to be in his thirties and he's kind of geeky. Um, he's wearing a black polo shirt tucked into khaki trousers. So I guess who dresses like that?


Steve article.

D'Janai :

Pretty much, pretty much, but he's making small talk and he's, uh, asking repeatedly if he can give her a ride to her destination. Um, so, you know, he seemed nice enough, but he declined his offer at first, but he persists, he continued to offer her a ride and she's like, no, no, no. And so finally he says to her, that's, what's wrong with you, black women, people can't be nice to you. And so when I read that, I was like, as a matter of fact, bitch, they can't based on all the evidence. It seems like people actually have no idea how to actually be nice to black women. If we're, if we're looking at the evidence, because even most attempts to, to be nice to us, air quotes, it's just microaggressions. It's turning us into characters. It's not like actually being nice. So just so let's


towards getting mad. If we just accept the compliment and keep it pushing it, can't just be like, Hey man, you're, you're really pretty. Oh, thank you. All right. Have a good day. It's always just like, Oh, that's why I can't see any black bitches. Oh know when a, when a real one's hitting on you, it's like, no, like I'm not obligated to stop and stroke your ego. If you want to give me a compliment do out of the niceness.

D'Janai :

right. Do it out of the kindness of your heart, but just because you, you want to offer me a ride. That doesn't mean that I have to take it. Like let's not start with the bar for being nice to black women. Doesn't start with me hopping in stranger's car


Nope. Nope.

D'Janai :

but he continues and He's like, that's, what's wrong with you, black women, you think you're all that, and this is the part where. I would have gotten murked for laughing in his fucking face because I would have been like, absolutely bitch. I assured him, but two in each tra she thinks this is harmless banter on flirting. But his comment actually resonates with her and it causes her to reconsider and she felt a little bad, you know, maybe she was being a little bit too standoffish, maybe she was being unappreciative. So finally she relents and she agrees to the ride after all. Like, he's just trying to be nice. Right. So as soon as a nature gets in the car, the man starts driving in the opposite direction of where she had been walking towards her friend's house. And the man told her that he needed to swing by his uncle's house to pick up some money. Apparently while he's in the car. Uh, he had made some comment about going with her to the party. So, you know, she thinks he's just like being playful and flirty or whatever. But I guess he needs to go pick up some money. So he goes to the house and he makes that stop. And when he gets back in the car things, so the man and is driving and he's murmuring to himself, something that Enietra can't quite make out. Like she's just like murmur and she can't really understand what the fuck he's saying. Then she notices that he had called her by a name that isn't hers. He keeps calling her Brenda, which she finds odd. So she corrects him. Yeah. She turns toward him and she says, that's not my name. Who do you think you're talking to? And this is giving, she's giving him some attitude, but like, it's also a valid question. Who do you think you're talking


Is there someone else in the car?

D'Janai :

Who's Brenda. Yeah. She doesn't know She's just trying to get some information. And at that point, everything went completely quiet. Then before she even knew what was happening, Brenda noticed that blood was flowing from her chest instinctually. She reaches for the door, but the man stopped her. And he said to her, don't touch that door bitch. Or I'll shoot you again at this point. And each hadn't even realized that she had been shot so bright, so shocked. She turns to him, she says, you shot me. Why? And then he responds by saying that he shot her because she was quote, she was dogging him out. Why you keep dogging me out, Brenda? And he kept like rambling and being like, yeah, Brenda, you keep doubling dog me out, Brenda. She's like, Oh fuck. This bullet had her name on it, not mine.



D'Janai :

So she's feeling faint from the loss of blood and she's struggling to remain conscious. And she's begging him to take her to a hospital, but the man refuses. Instead, he pulls over and proceeds to sexually assault her multiple times as she drifted in and out of consciousness, she attempts to fight him off, but keeps passing out due to this huge gunshot wound in the middle of her chest during one of the moments where she came to, she sees the bright flash of a camera. And that's when she realizes that her attacker is taking pictures of her.


Ugh. Oh my gosh.

D'Janai :

Can you imagine like, and you wouldn't want to, it's awful, really sick shit. So eventually he starts the car and he starts driving again and Enietra attempts to escape a second time. So she reaches for the door handle. And at this point the man sees her reaching for the door and he sees her trying to get away. So he pushes her into the door and out of a moving car in the middle. Yes. In the middle of the fucking street. And he takes the fuck off. He's just leaves her there for dead. So there she is lying in the middle of the street and she's there for a few moments until she realizes that she needs to get up. A voice tells her that she needs to get up. If she's going to survive. And ever go home to her. Two children again,



D'Janai :

So she, it takes all of her strengths to roll herself to the curb and she manages to stand up. And then that's when she realizes that she's on the same street as her friend Linda's home. So she knows the street and she's like, she's still fading in and out of consciousness. Like she's, she got to lean on cars to keep herself up and balance, but slowly but surely she stumbles towards her friend's house. And finally she makes it to the door and she's banging on the door, bang on the door, but no one answers she bangs again, no answer. And so she's soaked with blood. She's screaming, Linda's name into the night. Honestly, it is anyone's worst nightmare, because imagine being shot in the chest, raped push out of a moving car and miraculously, you drag yourself to help and boom, no one's


No, one's there. Damn

D'Janai :

right. Her best friend Linda had figured that she


She wasn't coming

D'Janai :

exactly. So she and her husband went off to the party. So, no one's home. Well actually someone is home. Uh, Linda's children were home, but. They were too terrified to open the fucking door because they are, they're like somebody's outside screaming, our mom's name covered in blood. They don't have no idea what the fuck is going on. And they were probably, I would think to be like, don't look, go to the door for anything. And I mean, anything like you had, your parents have had that talk with you, so, right. It's like for all, you know, it's fucking catch up and they just trying to get in this house do not open the door. So they don't. And so Anitra, she just sits down there on the porch and she's trying to build up the strength to walk to the main road to try to get some help. So she just sitting there trying to just basically stay alive finally around 1:00 AM Linda and her husband. They come back home, they pull into the driveway and Linda is horrified when she sees that her friend is covered in blood and is struck, clinging onto life. So they rushed her to Harbor UCLA medical center in Torrance. When she arrived, doctors discovered that a bullet had torn through her chest and collapsed her lung. And that's what was like, she was like nearly impossible for her to breathe. I don't even know how, how long it took, but. I mean, like trying to survive with a collapsed lung. Like that shit is so fucking scary. So it took days for the doctors to finally remove the, 25 caliber bullet from her chest, but they did and miraculously, Enietra survives, and she is able to provide the police with a detailed description of the incident and the man who assaulted her down to his outfit and the flashy orange car. And she gives the police as much as she possibly can. She had lost her purse and her ID and all her information, because she left it in the car, she's like, I'm going to help. I'm going to help the police find out who, who assaulted me, and so it's all good information, but unfortunately it leads nowhere, at least for awhile. That is until there is a huge break in the case in May, 2007, where DNA evidence would connect the dots for at least 14 murders in the Los Angeles area across over two decades. DNA revealed the name of the killer. And that name was Lonnie Franklin Jr. AKA the grim sleeper. Now, are you familiar with this story?


I am I'm 90% sure there was a lifetime maybe that I definitely watched. And I remember when this story broke because it was through like a 23 and me, or some type of genetic something, how they connected the dots.

D'Janai :

Yes. Yes. DNA is part of it, but not the way you think actually, when I tell you how they found it, the role that DNA played in the capture and arrest and prosecution of this man, you're going to laugh. so let's go back. Let's let's talk about who is this man? So Lonnie David Franklin Jr. Was born on August 30th, 1952. That's a Virgo for you normies. He grew up in South central Los Angeles, California, and not much is really known about his early life. We just know that he served as a corporal in the U S army in the seventies and was stationed overseas for some time. Um, after being discharged, Lonnie returned home to LA and he went on to get married twice. His second wife was a God-fearing woman named Sylvia with whom he had had two children and around their LA neighborhood. And Lonnie was known as someone who could help fix things and also help get things he was described by his namers as friendly and quiet. He was a mechanic who worked for the city of Los Angeles between 1981 and 1989 in the sanitation. Um, keep that mind and very briefly for the police department. he would also do like odd jobs around the neighborhood. He would fix people's cars. Um, he would cut people's grass, put up Christmas lights, like do favors for people like, you know, he was the, the handyman I guess.


Hmm. Be leery.

D'Janai :

Hmm. Always in people business, but, but of course this did not mean that he was a Saint. he had been arrested at least 15 times over four decades. Um,


Although you're about to say like four 15, lock him up. All right. Why is he out?

D'Janai :

well, so he was never sent to state prison. Um, even though the PR his probation officers were like, uh, he's a problem, like maybe jail. And they were like now, so he, had been arrested for burglary car theft, firearms, possession, and multiple assaults. Like this is, this is a menace. Like he just keeps doing shit, but his crimes were never considered serious enough to send him to state prison or w at the time warrant, the state to collect his DNA and put it into the database. also known for his infidelity. Uh, he often bragged to his friends about his sexual conquests and extra marital affairs. In fact, he showed them photos that he had taken, uh, various women. Mostly black women. Uh, they were often nude and unconscious and he would often joke that he had names for the, the women in the photos, depending on what their breasts looked like. So, or we'll gem a real gentleman here.



D'Janai :



Now I'm just, you know, we see, I see on Twitter a lot, just the discourse of like men don't check their rapey homeboys because it's just like the, you know, I don't do it. So, but you're friends with him.

D'Janai :

Right. So how are you friends with him? So, um, and I, I understand it was a different time. Um, I mean, people still do this, but it was a different time. Maybe things were looked at differently. But to me, this should have been a major red flag. This should have been the first clue that something was amiss. But unfortunately this didn't raise any red flags to those who knew Lonnie, his friends and everything. Even when several black women in South central LA started going missing and then turning up dead in the mid 1980s, no one suspected Lonnie, they were just like, Oh yeah, we got pictures. I've seen pictures of women laid the fuck out naked seeming seeming to be unconscious. And at the same time, there are black women who are missing and murdered in the same neighborhood and nobody's connecting those dots.



D'Janai :

Okay. But you know what, at the time, LA was rife with crime and drugs, you know, like you ever watched like an old documentary, uh, like a documentary about hip hop in the eighties and nineties. And there's always somebody that's like, but then crack hit the scene and then make it,


watching snowfall right now. And it really takes you through how crack was introduced in, you know, South central LA. I mean, it was, you should, because let me tell you something I'm going to, I'm letting that man put a baby in me,

D'Janai :

Oh, Damson images,


Let me tell you, Oh my gosh. Oh my dream, man. Let me stop because my coochie sweat, but yeah, it, it was pretty crazy, but also it was already huge racial tension between the LAPD and black folks. So no one was trying to rat out anybody cause it's fuck the police coming straight from the underground. A young nigga. Got it. Bad. Cause I'm Brown.

D'Janai :

Right. Meanwhile, the, lack of policing, the way people talked about the cities at this point, they made it sound like fucking mad max. Like it was just pure and everybody was in it for themselves. Um, and so crack had in fact hit the scene. She was there and where there's crack crime is short to follow. And at that point, uh, there were several killers known to frequent the crack riddled areas of the city, and they were looking for sex workers. They were looking for drug addicts. they were looking for people that would later become their victims and sad to say it was not uncommon to find people murdered in broad, like just outside, like in alleys and parks and trash bins and dumpsters


Whether either like died from overdose, just strung out or it's just like, Oh, probably homeless. We don't care. Yeah. Gang violence. I get it. I mean

D'Janai :

Yeah. So at the time California police, they were investigating several strings of murders. Um, basically if you threw a rock in California in the eighties, you'd hit about six murderers before that shit hit the ground, like They were looking into the murders that were committed by, uh, the night stalker Richard Ramirez, Jeffrey Dahmer, the freeway killers, like, you know, like it's all these people who basically were taking advantage of the, there was like this huge criminal backdrop that they could just kind of weave in and out of like the police aren't paying attention, they've got a lot on their plate. So they're just like, this is an ample opportunity to kill


yeah. A is literal playground.

D'Janai :

Exactly. A murderer's program. Exactly. but in these communities, the killings were so rampant that the black coalition fighting back serial murders. That's the name of the coalition was formed in 1989, in order to protest the LAPD's lack of policing in areas where these murders were taking place. And the coalition stands was that the LAPD's lack of vigilance was stemmed in racism, which sounds like right. Um, because information about the murders or the profile of the murder or murderers were never released to the public. So the public didn't even know what the fuck to look out for. They didn't even know like w


Was, I wonder if that was just to protect, like who is that protecting Whitney rather want to know what at least to look out for or a profile.

D'Janai :

Make sense to me, but that's if you actually gave a fuck. So the lack of information, people in the dark and helpless in any attempt to protect women, black women in South central LA at the time, and this also left Lonnie Franklin to recap on these communities for years. So what this looked like was, a string of murders beginning first with Debra Jackson. She was the first known, victim, of a murder committed by Lonnie Franklin. Uh, this happened in the summer of 1985 29 year old Deborah Jackson's body was discovered on August 10th, 1985 in an alley near West gauge Avenue. She had been shot three times in the chest. Then a year later, almost to the day on August 12th, 1986, 30 five-year-olds Henrietta Wright's body was found under a mattress in an alleyway. So just discarded, like. Like trash. And after that, there was a string of murders that followed, over the years, there was 23 year old Barbara Ware she was found January 10th, 1987, 25 year old Bernita sparks. She was found on April 15th, 1987, 26 year old Mary Lowe. She was found, uh, November 1st, 1987, 22 year old Lacretia Jefferson bound, January 30th, 1988, 18 year old, Alicia Alexander found September 11th, 1988. Princess birth, thumb you birth AMU. I hope I'm saying her name, right. She was his youngest victim at just 15 years old. So fucking sad. Um, her body was discovered on March 19th, 2002. Notice the gap and 30 five-year-old Valerie McCorvey was found July 11th, 2003. So again, most of these murders occurred during a particularly violent, fucked up time in LA when widespread drug use and rapid crime and lots of issues, killings were taking place. So, these were taking place all over South LA and. It was three years before police would realize that something bigger what's happening. They was like, Hmm, there's a pattern here because that's when they realized that ballistics tests would show that the same hand gun used to kill Debra Jackson had been used in seven other murders.


And they realized this in Oh three Oh two. When was this?

D'Janai :

it was three years after. So it was, um, 88. Yeah. So all except one of his victims were black women between, uh, teenage to mid thirties. One of his suspected victims was a 36 year old black man named Thomas steel. He was found dead on August 14th, 1986, just two days after Henrietta Wright's body was found, um, he's suspected, but not convicted of, of Thomas steals, uh, murder. But they, the police made some correlations like same gun, same kind of emo. So they, they think it could have been him, but for the most part, uh, many of his victims were reported to be sex workers or, you know, maybe not. Full-time just occasional, like not whatever, I don't know, but that's what they say. you know, what they like to do, like to say like, Oh, this person is a sex worker, so it's a, it's a risky, occupation. They're, you know, they're basically putting the blame on the victim


Like you don't deserve protection, which is bullshit.

D'Janai :

exactly. So not sure how, accurate that all is, but many were reported to be sex workers and his, the Emma was consistent. Uh, he would have sexual contact with the victims before, uh, either a strangling or shooting them. Now he would shoot nearly all of his victims with a 25 caliber gun. Uh, Franklin also took several nude photographs of his victims and kept them in his garage. And the manner of death was almost always the same. Most of the women were shot to death while princess birth AMU was strangled. Um, the victim's bodies would be dumped in dumpsters or dumped in alleys and the South side of, of LA and then like covered with trash for


and he was sexually assaulting all of these victims while they were still alive or was there any like post-mortem

D'Janai :

Um, good question. I didn't see anything about post-mortem. I think he would assault them, first and then kill them. Yeah. which is so fucking sick, but sadly, this is not something uncommon. Uh, there's always some sexual deviancy and like tied to, to murder. I don't understand why. Um, I should look that up one day, but, uh, even with the emo being the same, and a clear pattern of the killer targeting poor black neighborhoods, both in the eighties and the early two thousands LAPD did not alert the surrounding communities of any possible danger or assemble a task force or anything to try to solve these murders. And on top of that, they didn't even share the information with the victim's families either. Like they noticed like, Hmm, there seems to be a pattern here, but they ain't even tell the families like,


um, it just never ceases to amaze me because imagine if you would have shared that information to these families who are all primarily located in one central area where the B they're a few miles away from each other, I guarantee you, those families being able to know that information and, or being able to communicate with each other. They would have probably come across some clues or just with brainstorming, like, you know what, actually, I did see that car or you know that old man he'll be wearing high waters and khakis. Yeah. He's creepy. Yeah. You've seen him. Yeah, me too. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's just like all this hush hush. Oh, we can't release to the public. Cause fuck that. Like, if you believe there's a serial killer out there release that shit.

D'Janai :

Exactly. Because how was Richard Ramirez caught by the fucking people? Because people knew what the fuck to look for. So I'm not understanding why, why they, they didn't release his information to the public actually later on, they wouldn't release some information to the public, which I think is a little controversial, but we'll get to that. So because police originally thought that there was a 13 year gap in his killings between 1988 and 2002, that's how he would earn the name, the grim sleeper. But then on January, 2007, a homeless man was going through the garbage in South LA and noticed red fingernails poking through a hole in a trash bag. Police came to the scene and discovered the body of 25 year old Janysha Peters. She had been shot and covered with a garbage bag. And when DNA tests linked her probable killer to, earlier killings in the area, the police chief William J Breton ordered the launch of a task force. that was since 2007. And so until 2008, police are kind of just sitting on all this information. They're kind of spinning their wheels. There were a few fruitless attempts to identify a suspect until a partial DNA match is connected to the murderer of Geneva. Peter's A familial search of prisoner DNA had come up with a convict, someone who was arrested in 2008 on drug and gun charges. This person's DNA indicated that he was a close relative of a serial killer suspected of killing at least 10 women. And the convicts name was Christopher Franklin, AKA Lonnie, Franklin son.


Wow. Fucking love genetics.

D'Janai :

Right. So the police are working overtime to like try to connect the dots here. So basically they make a whole family tree of the Franklin family to try to determine who would have been at the same place at the same time and have the right age to have committed these murders. And they determined that Christopher is father Lonnie is their guy, but they've got to be sure. So LAPD does what any logical police department might do? Um, they go undercover and follow Lonnie to a birthday party and then an officer undercover pretends to be a busboy in the place and secretly collects his leftover pizza crust and napkins and cups and shit all with Lonnie Franklin's DNA on it.


I love that.

D'Janai :

I love DNA. I love it.



D'Janai :

So they skedaddled back onto the lab to test it and eventually. It proves to be a match with a genetic material, found on many of the women and on the zip tie of the trash bag that was found at, um, Janysha Peter's, crime scene. So how did he do this? Right? Cause he'd been arrested so many times he was in and out of jail. Like how, how did this happen? And apparently he had avoided submitting DNA because he had never been required to submit DNA. Like that was how they did it back then. They were like, if you're not arrested for like a felony, then you,


wasted supplies, money. We don't need it.

D'Janai :

right. Um, so that's how he was able to fly under the radar for so long. But not this time now the police have some evidence. Now they have a DNA. They're like, okay, this is definitely a match. so then they obtain a search warrant to investigate his home. To look for evidence. And, that is exactly what they find lots and lots and lots and lots of evidence. So among the unsettling discoveries that the police would make in the Franklin home, the most disturbing was a collection of over 1000 photos of women hidden in his house


I'm sorry, 1003

D'Janai :

1000, over a thousand. Yes. And hundreds of hours of videotape footage of the women and him with the women. Uh, many of them were partially or sometimes fully nude, in sexually suggestive and graphic poses. And he hid these photos everywhere. He had them in the garage. He had them, he had them in the refrigerator, in the refrigerator radar


he just wanted reminders all around the house. He just wanted to like, Oh God, go to the bathroom. Let me just pop open. And the toilet roll when there's a picture

D'Janai :

right? And I don't know if he was hiding it in like the cereal box or if he had it like back behind the, uh, the baking soda box where nobody looks like, but I'm just why. And these images showed mostly black women and the age range was pretty wide. Like it was like anywhere between teenagers and middle age. And, most of the pictures appeared to have been taken in or around Franklin's motor home, his car and the garage and in his backyard. And with a lot of them, the women in these pictures, they appeared to be unconscious like either asleep, unconscious, some might say that they looked dead. So police guests that the photos that they found had been collected maybe over the course of like 30 years, there's a lot of fucking pictures. And that's why it's a thousand. So finally, Lonnie Franklin Jr. Is arrested on July 7th, 2010. And he's taken to the station where he is interrogated by police. Now this shit right here, there was a video that you can watch on YouTube if you are into self torture. Um, I can't like, but it shows what happened that day in the interrogation room and knowing what we know about how Lonnie Franklin. Raped and brutally murdered these women and discarded them like garbage it's, super infuriating to watch. Um, so I'll give you the highlights. So they're in the room. It's is July seven, 2010. Uh, the police pull out a folder containing photos obtained from the Franklin home and they start asking Lonnie if and how he knew the women in this, in the pictures. And Lonnie's response was pretty much the same. Every time they like pointed to a picture that he was like, Hmm, I don't know this woman. I've never seen her before. Huh. So then police, uh, pull out a picture of Bernita sparks who was found dead and dumped in a trashcan in 1987. And Lani says to her this disgusting, fuck. He says, she looks back the nerve of him. He literally, he literally really looks like two butt cheeks cemented shut. Oh, the nerve of him. He looks like a Lamisil monster for real. Then they pull out a picture of Henrietta writes another one of his victims who he had dumped in an alley. And Lonnie says around her, he goes, he goes, Oh, she's ugly. Excuse me.


He looks like a raisin,

D'Janai :

I mean, just literally adding insult to injury, you raped and killed these women. And then you're going to sit up here and say that they're ugly. And basically you


now you're shaming them. Yeah. As like, Oh, so beneath me, I would never

D'Janai :

would never, I would never have anything to do with this butt, ugly woman, this fat woman,


the audacity of men will never cease to amaze me. You look like that,

D'Janai :

yeah, you look like that over there.


you cannot look like that. And say that though is the thing you got to pick a fucking struggle.

D'Janai :

He looked like he got two faces on honestly, he looks like he got a, he's got a face sitting on top of a face. It's really hard. The nasal labial folds. It's the nasal labial folds for me. Like,


He looks like a dog. Like I'm

D'Janai :

yes, that's what it is. Yes. He looks like a Basset hound, but that ate too much APOE. Yes. So he has the nerve to put these women down. And so the police say they're ugly, they're fat. That's odd because you know, we found your DNA all over these women's bodies. And so he plays dumb as fuck. And he's like, I have no clue how it would get there.


No clue. Just I pictures of it in my home. My DNA is on them, but I'm fighting for my fucking life. Shit. Okay.

D'Janai :

I think me, I think you do, actually, you, I think, you know, more than what you're letting on. So, the police are like, Oh, all right, buddy. So then on December 16th, 2010, a couple months after he is arrested and interrogated, the, LAPD released 180 photos of the women found in Franklin tone. Um, the police released these photos after unsuccessful attempts to identify the, uh, the individuals cause they were thinking like these might be victims, like more victims. Uh, and so the photos were released to the public in an effort to identify the women. Um, now I think this is kind of fucked up. Like, I mean, I get, I get it kind of, but it's also like, why would you put that out there? Like that's kind embarrassing,


It is. Okay. Can I ask a smudge? It is, I think there has to be a level of respect for the victims, but also We are yeah, we are talking about women and

D'Janai :

in this country and.


Right. Did they have, how out of the hundred and 87 photos released? How many families actually came forward and said, Oh my gosh, that is my auntie or mom or sister. I haven't seen in

D'Janai :

So the detectives say that they because of these photos being, released, they were able to link Franklin to six additional killings after reviewing, um, yeah. The old case files and seeking out the public's help and, and identifying these women. Um, but he wasn't convicted for these killings, if anything? Um, mostly I think, I don't know. I, I don't know if it did more. I don't know if that was necessary. I don't know if it was, you know,


You know, the only thing I could see it, the positive being, if a family could identify that's closure, you know, I mean, it's sucky closure, but at least you don't have to be, you know, keep believing or being fed this bullshit of like, Oh, she's just a runaway. And she just wanted to start over. Like, that's the, I hate when they do that to people who are missing, it's just like, they ran away. You know, they just wanted a new life. It's like, no, like

D'Janai :



that. That's very, it doesn't, that doesn't happen a whole often. And even then it's hard to erase your whole identity or disappear off the face of the earth. So.

D'Janai :

right. I mean, for, for any. If, if he actually did kill someone and they were able to, um, to convict him for that, or, you know, there would be closure. Like I get that, but what if right, what if I'm one of these people? There's a picture of me busting it wide, open on a Polaroid. And like I lived and I'm like, excuse me, I'm in this photo. And I don't like it. I want this off the fucking boards. I don't want, I mean, I'm alive.


right. Because not all of the Polaroids, they found out all those women are dead or the graceful, or maybe some of them escaped. Maybe he even had consensual sex.

D'Janai :

right. Like, I don't think he killed everybody. I mean, he couldn't have killed everybody. He had sex with just some, um, yeah, if you had a thousand photos of multiple women, like, there's a good chance that a lot of them survived, but I would be like, um, take the sound


coming from. Imagine you had a random hookup and maybe he was actually, I mean, you know, maybe there's some woman who is actually good. And then you, you turn on channel nine. I'm remarried. I have four kids. I, I moved out of the state and y'all got my coachee out on channel nine. Oh, I get it. I okay.

D'Janai :

I'm like, what if I just made a mistake? You know, I had sex with this man, and I lived to tell about it, but I didn't tell anyone obviously. Cause it's very embarrassing and now. Um, my kibbles and bits are for everyone to see. I think they probably blurted out, but it's in



D'Janai :

there. It's implied. They're like, yes, we have a picture of you. Um, in provocative poses, is, is this CJ? And I'll be like, untag me off this shit right now. I'm just like, um, I'm an upstanding member of society. If you see pictures of me in Lonnie, Franklins refrigerator, I don't know what to tell you.


not me, your honor. Prove it.

D'Janai :

What does it tell you? I'm a nurse practitioner and how please take that shit down. Like,


Like, no, I'm a grandma. Like no, no,

D'Janai :

yeah. I work at the urgent care. I'm writing on my hand, but like I have a job. Yeah. So that's the only thing I'm like, but they say that they were able to, like, it was, it wasn't fruitless. But so, um, now, so that was, that was after the interrogation, he's in prison for a while. He definitely tried to, uh, prolong his sentencing and prolong the, the trial for as long as he could. but I'll save you the details because the trial, it was horrible. It was really horrible, especially for anyone who was there to testify or show support of a loved one who had been hurt or killed by Lonnie Franklin. Um, Gruesome gruesome photos were projected onto your screen, um, to serve as evidence. and the images like they just shocked people that were there. and not unlike the interrogation, Lonnie, Franklin was a hundred percent, 200% unapologetic for anything like, and he was just mostly sitting there silently, except for the occasional mouthing of lies. Like I didn't do it. And I was like, no, bitch, you did do it


Right. You're

D'Janai :

actually. Right. I mean, actually, literally cause there were videos of him with these women. Like there were video. So, um, ultimately on May 5th, 2016, after nearly three months of trial and a day and a half of jury deliberation, Lonnie David Franklin Jr. Was convicted on 10 counts of murder and one count of attempted murder and on June six, 2016, uh, Los Angeles court jury sentenced Lonnie Franklin to death as they should have, but unfortunately he never made it to the electric chair because almost exactly a year ago from today on March 28th, 2020 Franklin was found unresponsive in his cell and was pronounced dead at 7:43 PM on March 28th of last year.


from natural causes or he self-inflicted

D'Janai :

so the cause of his death is pending the results of an autopsy, but, um, there were no signs of trauma.


see how they do

D'Janai :

You see how that he really just escaped getting sizzled, like some fucking bacon.


and, or sitting longer in prison.

D'Janai :

Why, why was he, why was he sentenced in 2016? And he got to see 2020,


It's not adding up.

D'Janai :

they had the electric chair and his, injection waiting for him, but he died just died, which is Way more than what he deserves. He deserves a fry for what he did. but yeah, unfortunately that is the anticlimactic ending of Lonnie Franklin's life. it's fucked up. He definitely deserved worse. no, no. Yeah, the, the autopsy hasn't come out yet, but it seems like they said no sign of trauma, but, Hmm. but yeah, so to all of the people that Lonnie Franklin was convicted of killing, um, all of those women absolutely deserved more and better and to live and to endure. And he took that from them. And for that he can go straight to Hades. Um, he can go straight to hell. Uh, so prayers down to him. Um, also our, our IP to the women that police presumed or suspected Lonnie was responsible for killing.


Like how many more do they think he could possibly be connected to, but maybe not enough DNA on them or, you know,

D'Janai :

So, um, I talked a little bit about, um, Thomas steel. he was suspected of killing Thomas steel, but was not convicted, I guess maybe they just didn't have enough evidence. Uh, but also there were five more women, including Sharon, Alicia dismal saying her name. Right. Um, I Nez Warren, uh, Georgia may Thomas, I Yella Marshall and Romania Morris. And those are just the names that we know. There might be more because, because Franklin worked as a garbage collector in the 1980s. a lot of people, hypothesize that, the bodies of other victims could have been dumped in landfills and just never found because he had access. He knew where, where those things were, so he could have taken them to a landfill. So police like, even though Years ago. They said that like, Oh, there's been a 13 year gap, but now they're like, Hmm. Maybe there really wasn't because, maybe he just got a little bit more, sophisticated about how he performed these murderers. And so now they don't think that he actually took a break and they think that he could have killed up to 25 victims that we don't. And we don't know, like we basically only have


I wonder if he scouted women too, while on his garbage route. Like I know, I know a lot of them are, presumed to be sex workers, but, you know, I know like with BTK he was a, what was it

D'Janai :

B2, BTK.


sorry on I'm sorry. I'm Arianne. Um, Um, he was, what was it? He sit, install home systems and that's how he would, he would come back and, you know, torment the women that way. That's how he would pick out his victims. And who knows how to dispose of things better than a garbage man. You know what I'm saying? Like he knows how to nook and cranny and hide them and possibly never found

D'Janai :

Exactly. Exactly. And there were unfortunately, um, I mean, not a lot of survivors. I mean, we talked about, uh, nitro, Washington, but also there was a woman named Monica Hunter, who he had picked up in a very similar way. She was walking down the street, he pulls up, you know, approaches her and he's like, Oh, I'll give you a ride. She was like, Oh, he's got a nice car. I'll get in his car. And as soon as she gets in, he threatens her with a fucking screwdriver. Right. I guess he left his gun at home. So, so she tells her story on a BT special called I survived the grim sleeper, where she talks about him picking her up, in 1986. And, um, as soon as she gets in the car, he pulls out, the screwdriver starts speeding down the street and he drives to a remote part of the city behind the welfare office. And when they get there, she sees that there's, he's got a sheet, like there's a sheet laying there. Um, there's some garbage bins nearby. Like he had it all set up and he had instructed her to get out of the car and get naked. And she's like, Oh, you know, at th at this point she was like, Oh, I just hope he, he just raves me and just go on about his business. Like, I do not want to die. he's got it all laid out. Uh, and so she gets out and she had just gotten one of her legs out of her pants and thankfully, a homeless man. Thank God for the homeless man had come around the corner, singing and making noise and shit. So Monica uses the opportunity to get away. So She ran off on the murderer once and that was enough. She just ran home. She said that he chased her in his car and she thinks that he saw her like where she went and like the house that she went into. she was just like, I hope you don't come back. And I guess he didn't thank God. Uh, but she never went to the beliefs. Um, she never went to the police because she was like, Oh, well it had been, more than 24 hours. And I thought those were the rules and it's just like, no girl, you're still a lot of places. Okay. You can give a testimony. It's all right. Um, but yeah, but she knew that she had come very close to death, but she, she was one of the very few survivors that had a very close encounter with him and made it out alive. So who knows how many more, um, encounters and it's fucked up because she is very brave for coming forward and telling her story, but I'm pretty sure there were more people who had close encounters with him, but it's just like, what do we do? We blame ourselves. It was just like, I knew I, you know, I shouldn't have gotten in his car or I shouldn't have trusted him. Exactly. And then it's like, I, I had a close call with death or, you know, getting severely hurt, but I don't want to tell anyone because I feel like I made a mistake, but honestly your testimony could have definitely helped. Um, cause that was in 1986, he went on to kill more people, you know, like, so, um, always tell, uh, is, is the moral of the story, but, um, yep. That is the story of the grim sleeper Lonnie Franklin Jr. May heat. Right?


Oh, wait. Yeah, let me not clap. I'm clapping for your storytelling. Not him.

D'Janai :

May he rot in hell. Yes. Yeah.


These as always top tier top mother fucking

D'Janai :

You know, thank you. Thank you.


which I remember when the story first came out, but then I haven't heard anything about it since, but I didn't know he died. Which makes more sense? Like what can you do now? Like, well, he's dead. Like we know he did it, but sorry. So that makes a lot more sense of why I

D'Janai :

because, well, you really would have wanted justice. Sivan served like he was in jail, but he was chilling in jail for four years, probably in solitary, eating fucking Salsbury steak and, and, uh, applesauce. No, he didn't deserve that. They should have just pizza crust for the rest of his life. Just remember how you got caught you stupid bitch, just to cross, not the actual pizza and everybody spit on it to here actually, you know what they need, they need to keep me in charge of the cruel and unusual punishment section of the justice system. I know how to, I know how to



D'Janai :

They'll be like, we going to feed you. They will be some old ass crusty ass, Chucky cheese pizza that we all spit on.


Right. And it'll be on a case by case basis. So it's free. So my niggas locked up right now

D'Janai :

No, no, just him. Just him. Yeah. Just him. Just him.


like him.

D'Janai :



us in charge because

D'Janai :

right. And the only thing you can drink is lately near piss water and eat spitty ass


uh, you know who your nurse is going to be. Brittany Murphy's mama

D'Janai :

We'll make it a week, a week before catching them but yeah, so after all that, I feel like I just have a few points. One, is it really, it takes a village to enable a serial rapist and murderer to your point earlier, will people will say like, not all men. Yes. All men. Yes. All men. Because why didn't any of his friends check him or it's like, Hey, uh, you know, those women don't look awake. How about that? I saw the pictures that Lonnie showed me. I didn't really like what I saw. pretty disturbing tell somebody, but here mango bros before hoes. Wait, what else did they say?


that's about it. Uh, because I bet a lot of them got weird vibes from him and probably just like, I'm just not going to hang out with Nora. I don't fuck with him no more. Not like I should, maybe some of my, my gut doesn't feel right. cause I know that man couldn't have had friends, he looks like a fucking weirdo. Like you can tell he's strange and weird and off.

D'Janai :



I just can't imagine

D'Janai :

When the police went around to the neighborhood and they were like, Hey, so what do you know about Lon? And they're like, Oh yeah, we love Lani. He comes and puts up our, uh, Christmas lights and he walks me across the street. And it's He really was playing both sides, really playing both sides. I know that loud ass pencil, somebody saw him perusing the the dark alleys in the streets. And like, what is this thing is doing? Cause don't you have a wife and two children at home. What are you doing out in the streets with a camera, a gun in the car? Like, I just want to ask some questions. So just further enabling him, allowing him to literally get away with murder and you know what, this might be controversial, but the wife, I mean, she didn't commit the murders. Right. But the police said that they found new photos of unconscious women in the refrigerator, in the home where they lived. So was it like, he doesn't look like a cooking type? Like, I don't know if he was the one that was mostly doing cooking. Uh, but to me, was it like, Oh, Hey baby, can you reach back into the fridge and passing the milk? Just move the stack of photos of naked, dead looking women to the side. Yeah, just, yeah, just more around those. Put them, put those in the door. Yeah. So they don't fall over. What do you mean?


you know, behind every ain't shit, man, seven times out of 10 is a. Don't ask don't tell women no shade, no tea, no shade, no motherfucking shade, but like

D'Janai :

Well, they w they know how to pick them. You know, like they're like, who can I easily manipulate? So they say that she was fiercely loyal to him to the end. She would not testify. I mean, she's his wife, so, you know, can't have, I don't think she can testify against him, but she did not cooperate with the police. She didn't make it easy for them. Um, and she pretty much stood by his side the entire time. And I'm like, what brand of delusion is this?


right. Just

D'Janai :



Behavior of just like, yeah, like that's my man. I'm a stand beside him.

D'Janai :

I look and I don't know, maybe, maybe her IQ was in the double digits or maybe, I don't know. I don't. Cause the last time we had somebody, you know, you know,



D'Janai :

so lots of wait till I fucking take my IQ test. And they're like, um, she doesn't know anything except breathing and fine dining and SpongeBob references. So


I don't know if I've ever taken an IQ test

D'Janai :

I don't want to, you know, what would make me mad because they said the average is like a hundred watch. We get like 98 and I'm like, come on. Um, but I mean, who knows? But they said she was a God-fearing woman. She was fiercely loyal to him, all this stuff. I'm just like, okay. But my loyalty has a limit. Um, and it's just like, he was very strategic in what he, what he did and how he did it the, the time, the place that he chose and the victims that he chose, because he was choosing women that he knew that really no one was going to give a fuck about.



D'Janai :

the end of the day, he knew that LAPD was going to say like, Oh, they were runaways. They were sex workers. They got what they deserved that part. And that's the long and the short of it. So in the end, Lonnie, Franklin Jr. Was really able to get away with murders because he was killing black women. And, um, specifically, I mean, some, maybe not all, I don't really know black sex workers, which were invisible. In the eyes of the LAPD in the eighties. And maybe even now, especially in Ms. The, uh, crack and crime epidemic. So, you know, this is just the perfect circumstances, the perfect storm To satisfy open season on a nigga's ass to satisfy his Bloodlust. And so it's fuck them because they definitely could have said something like a lot of things, a lot of things went wrong here. I mean, Lonnie was wrong, but also the LAPD, they withheld information from the community that could have been used to capture him, arrest him and prevent him from


a Pinto with a racing Stripe. Are you fucking kidding me?

D'Janai :

If you don't want to get caught, you better drive around in a fucking Ford Taurus. He had a loud Pinto that was orange with pinstripes on it. So, yup. Do you have any like takeaways


Um, no, you, you pretty much covered it all. I mean, we've covered stories similar to this before. I'm just like, I know we've said it, but if they would have been, I feel like any other race, I would have had national attention 100%. Um, I think they would have moved faster, even matching up the ballistics of everything. Um, Right. And granted, the police department was very busy, but I just feel like there was too many coincidences and too many bodies found for them not to say, okay, we have a serial killer the loose,

D'Janai :

Right. And


are we going to do

D'Janai :

of it, right? Like maybe y'all, don't even have to do the footwork. Just tell people there is a man who is killing black women in these areas and is known to do X, Y, and Z. If you see somebody perusing this area on a regular basis,


call the police or don't interact. You get what I'm saying.

D'Janai :



right. I honestly bet he didn't even think he'd get away with it for so long, but their lack of giving a fuck enabled him to just keep doing it even so much. He was smelling his own ass so much. He went into the two thousands and started doing it again.

D'Janai :



testing, we, we're in a whole new age of being able to pinpoint someone who did a crime and he still didn't give a fuck because the LAPD still might get no fucks.

D'Janai :

Nope. He was like, you know what? This, this was all the rage in the eighties. Let's sign up for a reboot. I'm gonna, I'm gonna try to kick it up a notch and. I mean, I'm glad he got caught, and was jailed for his crimes, but I just wish again, and I feel like this happens every time. Like this is not the first time I'm saying this, I'm not going to run it into the ground, but, I just wish you would have got caught sooner. And there were ample opportunities for him to get cost or even his probation officers were like, Oh, this thing is a menace. We need to lock them up. And they were like, let's leave them out. And this is what exactly what the fuck happened. So, uh, again, rest in peace and rest and power to all of the victims in this story and prayers down forever to Lonnie Franklin, Jr. Um, and I have to know that this story was suggested by one of our listeners girl. I'm about to fuck your name up. So it's at, J at you know who you are. Um, she messaged us and she gave us some great suggestions and this was one of them. And, um, I thought it was interesting and I wanted to do it eventually, but, um, in light of recent events, uh, the shooting here in Atlanta, which resulted in. Eight people being killed. Um, I was like, I really need to do this next week because of course the story about the Atlanta spa shootings have been all over the news, horrible fucking tragedy. Uh, we posted about it on our Instagram and eight people were killed and of those eight people, six were Asian-American women who were just at work, doing their jobs and a killer, a fucking, a murderer white supremacists terrorists


who was having a bad day. DJ. Next time we have a bad day. Let's let's just go air it out. All right.

D'Janai :

wait in a place of business again, if you really feel like Aaron it out.


Take it to your fucking dome.

D'Janai :

Please make sure the gun works by putting it right to your fucking temple. Try it out. You do, you know, all your problems go away when you do that.


And then you don't have to go and kill some other people. Like if you really want to do that

D'Janai :

Because of, because of a sex addiction when I tell you Hm Hm. Do you know what goes away when you shoot your fucking self in the face, a sexy go all gone. What temptation your dead sex addiction gone? Cause you're in hell where you belong. that happening. I was like, Oh my God. Like first off, literally one of the spas is right down the street from me. Um, really hit, like hitting close to home. And, um, I just, I don't, I don't understand. I don't understand. It's really hard to have faith in humanity when shit, like this happens when people feel like they could just take other people's lives like that. Like it's, it's so fucked up, based on just hate and misogyny. And I just, the last time I checked your fucking massage money is not anyone else's problem, but yours like


Whatsoever. I just tried to paint him out to be like this poor defenseless, like loser, who just like couldn't have sex and knowing what to have sex with him. So he was like angry and now he's now he just needs an outlet. It's like, no, he was on a mission.

D'Janai :



that mission. He has ties to white supremacists and fucking groups. He knew what he was doing. And he fed y'all that bait and y'all ate it up. And then motherfuckers had to issue an apology and say, Oh yeah, we just handled that wrong. And we were all kind of shaken up. Well, imagine what the families are going through. Imagine what the man who was in there getting a massage with his wife and then handcuffed as a suspect for four hours was fucking going through. So I don't want to imagine what poor little, whatever the fuck his name is, is going through because he's a piece of shit

D'Janai :

absolutely none, absolutely none. Because the reason why he felt so emboldened to do that, to do what he did and to take those people's lives is based in pure massage, any pure race filled hate, and it is unacceptable. and we talked, we talked about this on like the post, um, kind of just summed up everything that we were feeling, but it is women specifically nonwhite women. So black women, Asian women, women of, of, Hispanic descent. We. We have one thing in common, at least and that is that we are hyper-sexualized in the, at least in the West, we are hyper-sexualized and fetishized. And when people commit violence or harass us or whatever, we're then blamed for our own victimization, which is so fucked up for Asian women. There are so many stereotypes about, I mean, I don't even want to get into it because it's sick, but there's so many stereotypes related to, um, Asian, sexuality between men and women and



D'Janai :

And this narrative, it just has to stop because people are, people are dying, people are getting hurt. And it's that on top of, um, all the racism that's come along with


Um, uh, rhetoric used against this virus to make it seem like it was just like, Oh, I was the Asians. They brought it up. It's like, no, that's not how I fucking virus or pandemic works. Like it was inevitable that that shit was going to spread. It is a deadly virus,

D'Janai :

Right. So whether it's as a matter of where it started, let's finish it, period.


Oh, so don't don't

D'Janai :

Sign blamed him for biology are y'all insane.


John Oliver had a call at Meghan McCain last night. She, a couple months ago, she was like, you know, if we don't, you know, I don't care about PC culture. I don't really care what people call the virus. You know, that's, that's like a liberal Jeanette. He and then had the audacity to post stop Asian hae with three broken hearts. And John Oliver was like, bitch, is this you? Like you had no problem. When Trump is in there calling this all incoming, flew exactly all these type of awful names. And I don't want to say stop Asian hate.

D'Janai :

Right? Is it


You didn't give a shit. Exactly. You do not give a shit then because it fit your agenda and people have been murdered. And you've got that pressure on you. Cause we're, we're replaying the clips you're in 4k, literally on ABC. So

D'Janai :

Just being performative for, for performance sake. And it's just like, bitch, keep it, keep it. Um, yeah, it's, it's wild and it's really sad. It's a horrible tragedy. and there've been even more hate crimes, that have come about as a result of it, but we do want to say, we stand with anyone who is against white supremacy. We hate that shit. We don't like white supremacy. We are against white terrorism we don't like hate anywhere. So, to the victims and to the loved ones, of the Atlanta spa shootings that happened recently, we just want to say, we offer our deepest and most sincere condolences and prayers for you and your family.


Yeah. And, and to anyone, a part of the Asian community who is listening. We are with you. We stand with you last week was very rough listening to coworkers on calls, breaking down, crying, like we're with you. We stand with you. We clearly see this shit is on. Okay.

D'Janai :



see what is the problem?

D'Janai :

Right. And it is white supremacy and terrorism, and this the story, it made me think of the same things like these women who they're trying to say, like deserved it because of their choices in life, because of what they, what they decided to do for work. Um, you know, categorizing them as sex workers, and that's lacking intrinsic human value and so that their, their, their debts would be justified or justifiable, uh, or their murders would be justifiable. And it's just not fucking acceptable. Um, it's, it's misogyny, it's, it's hatred, it's sick and it needs to stop. and rest in peace to the victims of Monday's shooting in Boulder, Colorado. The details are still coming out about that, but it's really fucking horrible and scary, and I feel bad for those families and, um, their loved ones. So rest in peace and please stop shooting people up, guys. It's really not cool. Stop shooting up grocery stores and uh, massage parlors.


it's literally the bare minimum you could do as a

D'Janai :

Yeah, Yeah. Um, yep. So, yeah. Right. So we went from that to so high. Um,


Micah high. The seat is that I got my first dosage, uh, Madonna, really great experience. I, the only symptoms I had, I already like I bruise from shots all the time. Like when I get the flu shot every year, it always hurts, for a few hours after. But with this shot, like I woke up the next morning and I could barely lift my arm. It was so sore. But as far as anything else, like a fever chills, anything like that did not experience, um, in which just, you know, very much sore on my left arm. Um, but when I woke up the next day, it was sore. When I woke up by the time it was like mid morning, I was completely fine. So I know the second dosage is supposed to be a little bit more rough, but, um, all in all great experience. I cannot wait to get my second one. Um,

D'Janai :

I'm excited for you. I want to get back to native. I'm next? I'm getting mine. Yes. I'm getting that panty potion. Shout out to my friend, Rebecca who made that up. Um, my so high this week is kind of lame, but, um, spring cleaning.


Ooh, I saw your tweeny.

D'Janai :

Yes. I've been cleaning. And I realized it feels so good to like, do a deep clean, like I got into the nitty gritty. I was cleaning the walls. I was like, yes, this feels good. Um, this is a gentle reminder of clean, clean your microwave. Um, it's starting and it is, and, uh, also look in your, in your utensil drawer, if there are crumbs and dirt and, um, dried up sauces and shit cleaned out, shut up. That's nasty. I've never been to somebody's house. You open the fucking utensil drawer and it's like, grab a fork. And I'm like, Oh my God, I should have brought my own.


they used to be on our monthly toilets, cleaning out

D'Janai :




D'Janai :

that should be dirty. Um, not mine, but you know, other people's um, no, I can't, but I've been to somebody's house and I was just like, Oh my God. Um, What else is a good thing to remember to clean


um, maybe not clean, but like the lining of your shower,

D'Janai :

yes. Switch that shit out.


that out. Um, not like necessarily regularly, but like, if it's a Brown at the bottom, it's Todd like dollar general dollar tree has them for like four bucks. It's

D'Janai :



Um, I saw Rena posted about bathroom rugs or was

D'Janai :

Yes. No Serena. Yeah.


Yes. Either have two sets and wash them or just go buy

D'Janai :

A new one. They're not that expensive. You said Brown. I was like, stop doodling in the shower. Number one,


a white one, like

D'Janai :

stop being in the shower. Y'all that too. Um, what else? What else? Oh, I found out that because, okay, so I love Dawn and if they want to sponsor me, I will gladly take it because Dawn is the best. and I was just looking at like, what can't this shit do? And did you know that, uh, some Dawn in and some water in a spray bottle will kill a Roach? Like almost immediately.


I saw you tweeted that, but I would like to fact checked, so

D'Janai :

I mean, I haven't tried it because thankfully I haven't seen any roaches, but, um, I'm going to premake some, if anybody has tried, Dawn for roaches, let us know what your experience was. Uh, but yeah, I thought that was interesting. I was like, damn like Don is everything. You can pretty much do anything with it.


Yeah, that's right. That and get y'all some Fabuloso don't inhale too much because you'll die and faint, but Fabuloso for sure.

D'Janai :

I've been using my masks when I clean them, having the time of my life, the, uh, like, this is why we need a mask before. Cause I wear the mask so I don't pass the fuck out and I've got my gloves on Yeah. So, uh, cleaning your house then your ass. Um, so this has been episode 17 of quiet as it's kept the podcast. Thank you for listening. Hope you enjoyed.


please like comment and subscribe, and or please leave a review on Apple podcasts. Please. Also follow us on IgE at, okay.

D'Janai :



Was on Twitter at quake Q a I K

D'Janai :

She's looking at her phone, which is a fucking shame. Cause we say this every week. this is true. Yeah. So next week we will be back. Well, hopefully right. Uh, next week we'll be back with another episode. Kristen will have a story for us. Right, but until then, y'all please stay safe. Uh, say, uh, prayed up. I don't know. Um, be good. God bless.


And love y'all,

D'Janai :

Bye everybody. See you next week.