Quiet As It's Kept

I Don't Play With Demons

Quiet As It's Kept Season 1 Episode 11

This week, Kristen covers Terasita Basa.

Terasita Basa  (16:33)

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We are recording.


Yay. Hey everybody


Hello and welcome back another.


quiet as it's kept the podcast. Oh my God. You're going to do this every time.


Yes, it gets the people going.


want a different noise, gets the people going. Um, um, Hey everybody, uh, Oh yeah, last time we forgot to introduce ourselves, but we got some new listeners, some new followers, so we should probably do that. So I'm TJ.


I'm Kristin and I'm an Aquarius.


My name is Larry and I'm a, uh, I'm a tourist, obviously. Wait, Aquarius, is that an aerosol or waterline


air. People think it's water because, uh, Aqua,




no, we're we're air.


gotcha. Okay. so what are a tourist and an Aquarius doing? Talking to each other? Because honestly our sciences don't go together.


beef, real life beef, but my moon is Taurus and




Venus is Taurus too. I believe. Yeah.


too. I'm a full-blown sun, moon, and Venus are all in tourists. I'm the most sort of person you probably ever meet. That's a lot.




Oh my God. You a tourist, moon.






tours, moon towards me and answer.


Do you know? So, you know, your moon is like supposed to be like your emotional, whatever.




does that mean for


Uh, I literally it's. Really funny you asked because there was a tweet today where someone was breaking down, the astrological signs by that, and I forgot to favorite it.




but it seemed pretty accurate


It says


for your story.


So Torres moons are more responsive than active and that's why they often seem passive. Well. We do not be caring.




Just don't care about stuff, just like this. Is it really worth all this?


on an emotional scale. I'm like a two everyday of the week until I'm like a 17 and I'm crying. There's no in between. No. In between.


I think, I think it'd been interesting though, because a lot of the time we're not allowed at the time, but every couple of months there will be a thread either on Instagram or on Twitter talking about the different serial killers and their signs. And I got to say, there are very few tourists, but y'all Geminis the Virgos.


Burgos and Jim and I's


And I think


eaten people up.


they don't talk. They don't argue. They beat bitches up.


Bitches up, shout out to Whitney


shout out to witty.




But yeah, those signs are very, I gotta be wary of those and just like, you know what, let me be nice to you before I ended up in a potting pig.


Okay, because they will put you in the dirt.


Six feet under. okay, well, since it's, this is episode 11,




don't have any sponsors wink, wink to anybody out here who would like to sponsor us personally or professionally. Um,


or no. So we can talk to you. We're even open just to a conversation at this


Yeah, let's just discuss, let's chop it up. but since we don't have any actual sponsors, this week's episode is brought to you by, the Balinese police.


Oh, no, break it down for us. You have to give a little background. Cause I obviously know what you're talking about because we're Twitter sluts. Um, but for people who are not, you have to break this down.


Okay. So I want to say last week there was a thread that was going around. Um, and it was from, you know what, I want to be accurate in this drag. Hold on. Let me get the, let me get the handle together. Oh Oh no. I think her name was Saundra. Now the tweets are protected. Tweets are always protected when you're getting the tweets are protected, but


Hmm, we saw, we see each other.


see each other, so this, girl on Twitter, her handle is at Saundra with three A's, S a U N D R a. Don't go on there cause uh, sweets are protected now for good reason. Um, she, I believe it was her or her girlfriend. a woman named Kristen or Karen. I don't know, but


It's not Kristen.


not, is


I don't know. I don't share names. My name I'm kidding. It might be Kristen, but it might be spelled with an I, so it doesn't count.


It was it's I think it's Krista. It is Christine.


How does she spell it with an I?


like yours bitch.


Well, I don't even go by Christie and I go by Chris, so it's whatever.


Nah, it's too late. You can't be putting, nicknames in the podcasts now. Kristin Christiana, gray. So Christiana, gray and Sandra, whatever last name is a beautiful, beautiful couple. These two gorgeous young women, posted a thread on Twitter, talking about how they are from LA and with COVID when COVID hit, they, you know, were under some financial stress or whatever. And in order to, um, I don't know, create and make money. And then, you know, save some money. They decided to pack up their shit and move to Bali. So the whole thread shows these gorgeous pictures of them just enjoying Bali, living their best life. Uh, they said that they were paying, at least one of them was paying$1,300 a month to stay in a studio in LA, moved to Bali, spending$400 to spend. To live in a house that looked like it stepped right out of a


better homes and gardens. Right, right. beautiful


HGTV, next shit home. And, yeah, paying$400 to stay there and taking of course, because they're making whatever money in us dollars. Um, they. We're able to afford this lifestyle. So the whole thread is all about that and how they, how much money they saved and how they've built, you know, found community with other black people in Bali. And, um, it was basically I'm thinking like, Oh, she's just sharing her life. What I didn't know was this was all kind of like a, like a marketing. This is all marketing, her ebook




get deported from Bali for opening your fucking mouth. You shouldn't just sat there and ate your food cyst. Because what had happened was she went off telling all her business, this thread, you know, was went viral. Everybody, you know, everybody's saying stuff from like, Oh, I want that for me. Oh, that's amazing. How do I learn how to do this? I wanna, you know, like whatever, whatever. Then she starts selling an ebook, apparently illegal ebook. Um, and basically, uh, the volunteers police said. Little girl.


That's not what this visa entail, baby.


You were supposed to come over here and play with these elephants. You supposed to leave girl, you supposed to get on that big swing and eat some of the food and get show shit and get out. But no, you will be. You came over here and built a business. And started running your mouth and also promoting like, Oh yeah, come to Bali. It's very LGBTQ friendly and there's plenty of black people here and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah girl. They came with the quickness with them. Cause they say, get your ass outta here. So


got it.


apparently that you got an also in trouble for like tax evasion and all that. I'm like, you cannot do that. So I don't know, this podcast doesn't have a donkey of the day, but. That was dumb girl. Like you should have just enjoyed your time in Bali and not try to monetize it. And


yeah. Americans tend to have a shut the hell up problem where we just overshare for no reason. Like no one asked her to share this. I mean, when I first read the thread, I was like, cool. Don't we know how that works. Like even first harmony, I was like, I guess, you know, you hear people going in and taking trips to other countries for two week, three week vacation, but then they get the hell up out of there. but to broadcast it and not have your ducks in a row, just seems. Very immature and very much as a self-serving in the sense of, she was trying to make some coins from this, for this book and ended up biting her in the ass. So.


Both of them it's so crazy because yeah, like if she was just, I didn't know, all that stuff was going on. I was just like, Oh, this is nice, good for them. But the$30 ebook. Illegal ebook promoting Bali, like saying like you guys should move here during the pandemic you've you can save so much money the same way we did encouraging foreign people to move to a country


during a pandemic,


in the middle of a panty liner girl. Are you crazy?




exactly. So it was, yeah, not wise, but they are young. I can't remember. How old they are. But I remember when I was going through the threat and they was like, Oh, it's her 50th birthday. I was like, Oh shit. Like, okay. Not 15, but she might as well have been to me


Right. I think they were under the age of three.


they were they were young. They, they, well, they are young, but this is going to age them up real quick. Um, being deported. Sitting there looking like wait, but what about my luggage? No, w we can always send your luggage.


Your luggage. That's not a problem.


Right. It's better for you to make your flight didn't to, you know, we could always send you luggage.


shout out to Beyonce, Knowles,


Let that be a lesson to all of us. Um, just enjoy the moment, you know, you don't have to share everything with everybody and especially don't try to monetize everything. Okay. Even though we were just talking about sponsorships and shit It's different. Don't different. Yeah. But yeah, not everything needs to be for sale. Okay. You could have just had a nice experience. You could have just told them my story had some nice pictures






okay. This week's episode is brought to you by scandal. As many of you know, the inauguration is tomorrow. And one of my mutuals on Twitter, I forgot who tweeted this mother effer. I forgot. But they alluded to the fact like I really hope tomorrow was not an episode of scandal and I'm not going to lie. I'm a little nerve wall because after the capital's storming, nothing is surprising. At this point, I believe scandal was based off of true and relevance. So Cyrus B might be in the wait waiting for his opportunity. And I really just hope for a safe and secure transition of power. I will more than likely be tuning in probably all day. Just because I'm nosy as hell. I just want to see how it goes, but tomorrow's a new day, I guess. I mean the same day the same day that it's always been, but


I can hear the shutter of the camera as we transition from scene to scene. Like I can hear it and I could hear a Rita Franklin in the background. I


I'm getting my theory. I'm getting my lips are ready for Carey.


let me, I'm going to put on, I'm going to wear my, my, my Kerry Washington coat. I have a coat that is, you've seen it.


Do you have a hat? Do you have the hat to tilt to the side


I don't. That I'm gonna look like fucking Carmen, San Diego. What'd you think about it? She was giving Carmen San Diego a lot. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be some, some scandal shit. And. Look, I hope B6 13 has got a good handle on this, but I feel like command has been taken. Okay. We thought that it couldn't be taken, but perhaps we need to give Eli back his bones. Okay. Because he's. Fucking up.


Eli was the best command. I don't want Jake being fucking command. Jake. All you'd be about is Olivia's coochie. I do not want


Pan looking ass?


No, and I like Jake. Should he, should he have been command? No. Hell no. They should have left that with Eli and let him keep running the things and it would have been fine. But they did it.


All right guys. As some of you may have seen, I mean, already we are doing a giveaway, so exciting. So we promised we were going to do something special for y'all to say, thank you for rock and roll, roll with us since we started back in October. And so yours truly, if you, I don't know, I'm also a graphic designer. Uh, I do, I do all the graphics on the website and everything and, website on the Instagram. We have a mug out. It's got our, our logo on it, and it says a true crime is my love language and is inspired by something that Chris has said when we first met, which was, is murdering your love language. And if you didn't hear her say that, go back and listen to episode one. But yes, it speaks to us now of course murders are our love language. We don't want to be murdered, uh, or we don't want anybody to be murdered. This is not a turnoff for us, but true crime is so it's like, you know what? Maybe talk, talk bunny to me. Okay. Let's let's, about, I didn't mean to moan like that. Um, no, but like people's theories on, you know, what do you think happened? We love to theorize about what happened and why that is what sparked our friendship for real. And so anytime we talk with y'all, it's pretty much the same thing. Like you can have a conversation with a stranger about true crime and go on for hours So if y'all are like us, which clearly you are, because why are you here? You probably feel the same way, So we have this mug where you can talk. You can tell the world how deep your true crime love goes.




If you haven't seen it yet, it's on our Instagram and we're having a giveaway for it. It's an exclusive item made for one lucky listener. We launched it yesterday. A lot of y'all have, uh, uh, submitted some stuff. The rules are, you have to like our posts. Well, first off you gotta follow us. Then you got to like the posts. Then you need to tag at least two people. so that's all one point y'all then, you have to tag additional people to get extra points. One each tag equals an extra entry. So tag as many people as you want. And then to get extra entries, you can post, as on your story, you don't have to do it just once you can post a post on your story more than once, if you want. And that's going to count each time you do it. It's going to count for two entries. So we already got a lot of people reaching out to us for this mud. Some people were like, when can we buy it coming soon? Uh, but for now we're running. Got it. Get all our ducks in a row. I'm working on it, but. you can you know, participate in the giveaway. We're going to announce the winner on next week's episode when I do my story. Uh, and yeah, stay tuned for that


Alrighty. Are you girls? Wait, have you seen that too though? That's like, Candace, you ready? Martina. Are you ready? Okay, girls, let's go to talk. And he's imitating like your typical like call center job in an office. And it's like the old Betty's who are slate mean to you and they like going to happy hour at Applebee's. I know it's so fucking hilarious, but Martina, you ready? Okay. Well, everyone this week is my week to tell us store wall. Um, I don't, that's not a word. I don't know.


you did it earlier is the thing we're doing it now. Yeah.


I did. and so everyone, I want you to gather round the campfire and we are headed to Chicago and the year is 1977. But to give you a little background about who I will be introducing. So this is a story of Teradata SITA, bossa, and Teracita was born in 1929 in the Philippines actually. And she was the only child, to her father and mother and her father was a lawyer. So she had a more privileged life. She had access to educational opportunities that others did not. And so she was able to attend assumption college in Manila. And I looked it up cause I was like assumption, but it's real. It's real, real.


if I'm going to college, I guess. I'm a school and I'm gonna learn some shit. I'm assume I'm gonna get a job after I don't.


Right. Right. So when I attended assumption, assumption college in Manila is still in the Philippines before she immigrated to the United States around 1916. And once she got to the USFA her love of learning, definitely didn't stop. She would go on to attend Indiana university where she received her master's degree in music. And while there she would continue to study and collation therapy. So someone who was very fond of learning and extremely smart and bright. So eventually she decided to settle in Chicago, Illinois, where she worked as a respiratory therapist at, Edgewater hospital. her coworkers described her as someone who was very polite, very kind, but also really quiet and reserved, uh, a person who was extremely dedicated to her job and loved helping her patients. And from all accounts, she lived a very normal life, but also very private. there were reports that Teracita, didn't even drink. Uh, she wasn't a smoker, just a girl about her dollar, like go to work, do what I gotta do, come home, whatever. And even on her, like her side hustle was that she used to, give out piano lessons in her spare time. So someone who just seemed to be a really good person and, and love to give back.


Yeah. And she wasn't married. No kids.


No, not married, no kids. She did have a on again, off again, boyfriend, but he is not important to the story at all. I couldn't even find his name shoddy,


As usual men are irrelevant. Please


uh, relevant as hell. So I'm going to take you guys to February 21st, 1977. So between the hours of seven and 8:00 PM, TETA SITA had been on the phone with one of her coworkers named Ruth Wobe and Ruth had described that they chatted for a bit, a very normal conversation. They were friends. Just your typical. How was your day? What happened? And Ruth revealed that Teracita had let her know that she had a man coming over later, but Teracita, didn't go into details about why he was coming over or given name and Ruth didn't necessarily push it. which is fine. It's not her business. If this were to have a low man in her house, that's her business,


She had a gentleman caller on my


okay. Exactly. So Ruth didn't think anything of it, they get off the phone. Everything is fine, but around an hour later, so around 9:00 PM Tara's he does neighbors reported that they started to smell, smoke and see smoke coming from her apartment. So they notified the janitorial maintenance in the building and they quickly call the fire department. So as the fire department arrives and are rushing into her apartment, They would soon encounter something much more frightening than a fire. So as they begin to enter the apartment and extinguish the fire, they come across a mattress, her mattress, that was also set ablaze, but hadn't fully burned yet. And they would discover underneath that mattress as they lifted it up. Terrace teaches new body underneath with a butcher knife.


Oh, Oh,


Yes. Yes.


Um, no.


Now I want to make note of one thing. So her clothes were described as being folded right next to her body, which was a little abnormal, but as the police come and detectives start to investigate. From first glance, it looks like a sexual assault gone way wrong because she's nude because she's covered with the mattress, which is sometimes a tactic that I've seen on shows slash read about. Sometimes perpetrators have a weird moral complex, where they want to not expose the victim or want to give them some type of. I don't know, covering to maybe cover what they've done or sometimes they'll place. You don't want to see what they did. Sometimes they'll place the victim in a certain way to shield them from being fully exposed. So that's where their mind was going to first assault,


Well, I mean, it's already wrong, but like extra.


extra X, so. After medical examination, it was actually determined that she was not sexually assaulted at all. And she died as a result from the knife wound to her chest.




So at this point, the police realized, that this fire had been set and more than likely to either one throw the police off, to cover up any additional evidence or three burn her bodily body so badly that they wouldn't even notice or discover that she had been stabbed, but the fire didn't spread that far. And it was just, just literally burning on top of the mattress. So didn't get the job done. So assigned to this case where two detectives, we have detective Joseph Satulah and Lee Aplin. And so they would go on an interview to as teachers, friends, and coworkers, trying to see if they could provide any insight into who would want to harm Teracita because this is not your typical victim. She wasn't going out like that. She had a small circle. She was about her job. In her piano lessons. And so who would want to harm this seemingly very nice woman.


Right. And how old is she at this time? She was like 40.


Yes. Something like that. Yes,


We ain't doing the math. Right. Y'all do it. Um,




yeah, but she is, you know, it's not like she's a, a young woman who's, you know, about town or whatever. This is just a grown woman.


grown woman fully established in all. So there were very few clues to go off of. So the only evidence they actually found in her home was a note written by Tara Cedar that they found like on her kitchen counter that said get theater tickets for a S and after many rounds of interviews and trying to figure it out, none of her friends or family could identify who a. S was, so the case would come to an abrupt standstill for about five months. They had no leads. They couldn't figure out who AAS was. It was at a dead end.


Wait, can I ask a question about, uh, the weapon? So you said she was found with a butcher knife in her chest. It was still in there,


still on her chest.


and I guess they dusted for fingerprints or anything. They couldn't find anything, no information on. And the butcher knife came from her


Nothing, nothing Okay. So it wasn't until August of that year, that detective and Evelyn would to get a break in this case. That took a turn that no one saw coming. So a man by the name of Dr. Juan Chuy, uh, reached out to detective and the police saying he needed to speak to them regarding his wife. His wife was a woman by the name of Remi Tewa who happened to also work at the edge water hospital. I also want to make note that Remy was also from the Philippines. So her and Teracita are both Filipino natives. So Dr. Juan Tewa, he was a surgical assistant at Franklin Boulevard, community hospital. And he came with the police and said, listen. Um, so my wife has become possessed by the spirit of Teracita


Oh. Oh, okay.


Yeah. He goes on to say, She had been having some very terrifying visions and dreams where Terra SITA was coming to Remi in these visions and dreams and begging her to go to the police and detail, what happened to her and the police were like, Oh, okay. So which if she's just having dreams, like what does that mean? He would further explain. That his wife would go into these comatose, like States where she would speak in the voice of another woman. All right. So, and one of these comatose like trances, he said his wife finally revealed who this woman was speaking through his wife. And in one of these transits, she bordered out I am terrace Labasa and the voice would go on to say that she was killed by a man named Alan showery, a dot.


huh? Uh huh. Okay. All right. Fine. But you know what, Kristen, I was about to say either she has like really fucked up terrible sense of humor or he does because I don't possessed


Possess baby.


Alan showery. That sounds fake as fuck. Well, what kind of name is that?


Exactly. I do want to know Dr. Mon. And his wife Remi were very hesitant about coming forward to the police because they had a fear of looking downright crazy. Could you imagine going into the police station and be like, Hey, Casper, the ghost has been letting me know that my friend was murdered by this man. Like they were not going to come into the police until these comatose, like trances kept happening and then another trance where. Teracita was speaking through Remy's body. It was revealed that Allen had stolen his receipt, his jewelry, and given it to his girlfriend.




of course the police at first, were like, yeah, y'all are bat shit. What? That we are wasting our time. What are you doing in here?


you're telling me she, Danny Phantom into this woman and said, is this in revealing all the secrets and why this woman and why now?


why now I'm on Slater. And so as we start to dig further, they one realized that Remy and Teracita worked at the hospital together, but they usually work different shifts. These were not, they were not necessarily friends. It was more of just a corridor. Like, Hey, Hey. But once they heard the line about the jewelry, their ears kind of perked up because they did not even note that any jewelry had been missing from Tara SITA's apartment, they did not see anything burglarized or taken from her partner when they did their initial sweep. So they're like, Hmm, that's weird. And as they look up this Allen showery name, It turns out Alan is a technician who also works at the edge high bit. Okay.


Oh my God. This is Deb hospital. This is a


Okay. All right. So. The police were like, all right, well, some of these dots are getting a little too familiar. And so they start to further question some of the members of the hospital and it's revealed to the police now that some of the other workers had noted that Teracita and Allen had been in communication for him. To come to her apartment and fix her TV. Now note, date was given as to when this was supposed to take place, but workers had recalled that yeah, they made an arrangement, um, for him to come over. He's a technician. He's good with technician shit. And he was supposed to come fix her TV, but they could not tell them when that was supposed to happen.


But didn't they hold one and




didn't Chicago PD go to the hospital and you said they went and they asked her friends, and so she only goes to work. These are her only friends. They ask her like, Hey, what do you know about anything? And they were just like, Hmm, we don't know shit until five months later, then all of a sudden, Oh yeah, yeah, that guy, he was supposed to help her with the TV.


right. That also stuck out to me. But you also have to think a hospital is huge with numerous amounts of employees. One, two, he was a technician. She was a respiratory therapist. I don't know if people even knew that they. Had even been communicating. And I don't even know if they had question the right people who would have known that shit the first time. So unfortunately it did not come out until five months later, but it did come out. So the straw that kind of made the police go around was that. Alan, when they looked up his address, he lived maybe four blocks away from Teracita. I mean, within walking distance from her home. So they said, all right, this is still crazy as hell, but we at least need to go question him to either roll him out completely, or figure out what the hell was going on, because this is, this is really weird. At this point we got spirits and the supernatural. And it's, it's been weird, but now it's getting weird possession, So the police would end up going to Alan's apartment and question him and Alan at first claimed he knew Teracita, but he had never been to her apartment. So the police then probed to him. Well, you know, we have some people at Edgewater hospital saying that UN Teracita had worked out an arrangement for you to come fix her TV. And that's when he's like, Oh, I've got amnesia. Oh yeah, I did. I actually did go to her apartment that night. I did go to her apartment that night to fix her TV. But I left right after I was finished and she was alive when I left. So I don't know what happened after that. I just went over there to fix the TV. That's it?


If you're going to lie, right. If you're going to lie, why say it was that night? Why not say it was two weeks before when I say like, yes, we did talk about it. It was the day before the night of. What would be the reason for lying like that. So, so close to that. Stop it.


Very dumb criminal varied up. So while the police are at his apartment, questioning him, his girlfriend. All, she was also referred to us as common law wife, which means he just wouldn't marry her. So he just did that. his girlfriend by the name of Yanka cannula was there. They, they live together and she was wearing a very beautiful Pearl cocktail ring. And so the police pulled her to the side and were like, Hey, Yancha um, has Allen. Recently bought you any new jewelry, over the last few months. And she was like, yeah. And I, when I read that, I said, I know that's right. Um, police, it was professor plum and the conservatory with the candlestick. I know I would see the Canary, like, yeah, he sure did. I know I'm not going to be right. I'm not about to be your track clean.


And also the thing about the, Theater tickets. It's interesting to me, if their arrangement was for him to just do the TV, why does she write on a piece of paper theater? Why, what are y'all doing with the theater?


my thought was no, because there isn't and they didn't elaborate more on the theater tickets. And my thought was, yeah. She was, that was their exchange of you fixed my TV. You can have the spirit of tickets. You get what I'm saying?


Yeah, I would


I think it was right, but ma I don't know what arrangement they worked out, but that could have been his form of payment for actually coming over to fix her TV. So younger at this point is a little spooked because she's like, yeah, he's. He gave me this ring. He's gotten me a few other, other pieces that he's brought home. And so she actually agreed after the police asked her to let Tara SITA's friends and family come over and inspect the jewelry that had been given to her. And as her friends and family, primarily her family were going to the jewelry. They said, um, yeah, this is family jewelry that has been passed down from generations. Those, these are, this is terrace Tita stuff.


A hot shower would have been yet. I'm wearing a dead woman's jewelry that my boyfriend,


right. So, Alan at this point is caught, broke, busted, and disgusted.




And they have his hand in the tree jarred and eventually after further questioning, he would admit to killing Teracita. So he explained the night like this, he said he had arrived at her apartment and had planned right then that he was going around her. He told her that he had forgotten some tools at home and he needed to run home to grab them, to fix the TB. Now, this was all a ruse to just further think out his plan of what he was going to do. Cause he had his tools with him. But as he returned, he said, of course she let him back in. And that's when he struck, he waited until she turned her back to lock the door once he was in. And that is when he attacked her. And when Alan was asked why he did it, he simply said he needed rent money.


Oh, my God rent money.


Rent money, rent money.


you okay? Oh no,


right, right. Just truly broke behavior.


wait, wa wa Yancha can't pay a bill or some shit like what's going on.


Okay. Okay.


You can, you don't need a girlfriend and if you can't afford


At all at all.




So he said he needed rent money and. He ended up revealing. He was only able to get around$30 in cash and then just decided to steal her jewelry, um, probably with intention upon it off, but he didn't cause he gave majority of it to his girlfriend. And so after he stopped her, he said he stripped her to make it look like a sexual assault gone bad, which that was the detective first thought. And then he placed the mattress over her. And set it on fire, as simple as that


You killed a woman for rent money. You broke


for rent money. Uh, I, in my research, I did not find anywhere where he was remorseful or sorry. I don't believe he ever uttered those words. He might've, but I couldn't find him ever really feeling necessarily bad for murdering this woman and well blood. 100%. And so this trial was actually named in headlines, voice from the grave because of the elements of its supernatural nature.




Allen actually claimed once. His case went to trial, that he was just kidding when he made the confession and he actually, um, didn't do it. Uh, he just was trying to tell the police what they wanted to hear and he didn't do it. Just kidding, like at all, that's a no,


you. Just kidding. I admit I killed this woman and you detailed it so perfectly because I was going to ask about, I had questions about, did he take the clothes? Like he make her take her clothes off because how are you going to hit somebody in the chest with a knife? And I get like blood all over it or whatever, like what?




insane. He's


100%, 100%. And so his defense attorney argued that. One of their angles was that listen, Mrs. Shoe, um, had been fired from the hospital and she faked these trances because she was angry at the hospital to get Allen in trouble or convicted. And my thing is if she was mad and that she got fired, why would she just single this one man out one? What did she create? A puddle and slip and then Sue them hoes for everything they have.




Okay. I don't think if I'm angry at a conglomerate of a hospital, I'm assuming a lot, one person will be like, I'm just going to ruin your life.


a tech that can't afford to pay his motherfucking rent.


exactly. Another point is if she was trying to single him out, I don't think there'd be that much evidence built up against him. Why are you in possession of Tara SITA's jewelry? Why are you on a note with your initials on it regarding theater tickets? There's too many and you admit it and people know that you were supposed to go over to her home to fix her TV. So again, not a great angle, but. At all, but his defense team would then again, are you that, you know, they had never seen a case where a man had been arrested because of a vision. And unfortunately, this argument worked because the first trial was actually declared a mistrial when the jury came to a deadlock. And so a new hearing wasn't scheduled until February of 1979.


But he, they held him in prison that whole time.


him in prison though. Yeah.


But what I would love his defense, I would love to know. Okay. So then how did he come to have this woman's jewelry? How did he come to have her personal jewelry? That's been passed down. How did he get it? How did his girlfriend get it?


It makes no sense. So as he's sitting in his jail cell, it said that Alan seemingly how to change of heart and at his next trial against the advice of his defense team, he decided to plead guilty to the murder of Teracita as well as robbery and arson. And. And my research, there were some whispers that the spirit of Teracita ended up haunting his ass in his. So, and that he, right, he couldn't take a number, but as we know, he more than likely entered this guilty plea to get a lenient. Sentence and to play it out and not have to go through a whole nother trial for this. And Alania sentence is what he certainly got. Yes. You're about to lose your shit. So Alan was sentenced to 14 years in prison for the murder and concurrent terms of four to 12 years on the armed robbery and arson charges. Alan was actually paroled on good behavior from the Statesville correctional center in July of 1983, after serving just five in prison. And he has been a free man since July of 1983.


God must've blinked. Hell no. Hell no. You killed a woman for rent money and you were out in five years.


Five years must be nice. Right? Must be nice.


What is he showering? No, no, no. A black man




showering. What's his name again?


S H O w E R Y. Showery showery showering.


or showery. Oh God.


I know, I know. And yes.


All right, I'm done. Go ahead.


So I conclude with that detective Stachela, this case kind of stuck with him and he actually has a quote where he said to this day, I'm not quite sure whether I believe how the information was obtained. Nonetheless, everything is completely true. They got the right man. They sent me to prison. Still a lot of question marks. So I pose some questions to thigh audience and Jeanette one. Do you believe in the supernatural ghost spirits? I know many, I've had numerous conversations about this, you know how I feel? I think, um, yeah, spirits be pussy popping all over this earth. Um, and also. How the information was obtained. Do you think Remy and her husband had anything to do with terrorists? He does death. And also I find it really interesting that both Remy and Teracita were from the Philippines and Remi is the person who Teracita decided to speak through. Do you think maybe it's a cultural thing or what.


Um, Oh, okay. So the first question was, do I believe in the supernatural? it is so hard to say because my, my brain says no, but I don't know how this could have happened. Now you also said, do I think that. Remy or under her husband has something to do with terraces and I'm looking at it like, what do they, what would they gain from it? You know, like what, what were they going to get from that woman? Uh, being killed unless, um, there was beef between Teracita and, uh, Remy. And they were like, that can only be one middle-aged Filipino woman, but probably not,




work on the same shifts or anything. And I feel like if there was any type of beef, somebody would've said something like give these two don't actually don't get along.


No one reported anything of them having any type of animosity or anything.


Right. So I don't think. That they had anything to do with her death at the same time, I have no idea how they would have come in to that information outside of something supernatural. Like if she's saying that she's having these visions and her husband is attesting to it too, and her husband was a husband and a doctor.


A surgical assistant. So I think on the path, yeah, becoming one or I don't


So they both. Okay. So they, you know what yeah. What would they gain from it? And like, how would they know? And maybe the only, wow. I just, yeah, if they were not friends and they didn't have any, any ties, I can't see why someone would make that up. Or even if they, like somebody said, like Alan shower, we did it. Why wouldn't you just say, like, somebody told me that instead of saying like, Oh yeah, I was possessed by blah, blah, blah.


right. That seems an extra mile to go


And especially because, especially because, okay. I'm assuming that they immigrated here from, the Philippines and you know what? They came here for peace. They came here for prosperity. They didn't come here to. You know, they're already, of course this is America. People are looking at, you know, outsiders, foreigners with like a look of like, Oh yeah, well, you know, don't come over here and w on your bullshit, whatever, don't be weird. Don't say that there's goes, blah, blah, blah, blah. So they're probably going to be like, yo, we are really don't want to tell anybody about this shit. Like, I don't wanna be othered, so. You know, for, for it to have been like that. I just, it wouldn't make any sense. Maybe I don't always believe that there's like stuff, but maybe there's stuff. Maybe there's maybe there goes, uh, normally I'd be like, no, like this, this there's gotta be a logical reason behind this, but this is crazy. I never heard this story before.


When I came across it.


There is, this is like for real goosebumps, like, uh,


Right, right, right. It was, it was


any, this time logic is not working for me. I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't be that. And I'm wondering is, okay, this is the part is the, uh, Is the court system saying, like we don't have actual definitive proof that he did it every, all the proof is circumstantial. So that's why we can't put him away forever because all he had was her jewelry. Who's to say they didn't have some kind of arrangement where, uh, she gave him the jewelry or, you know, whatever, whatever, like, if they're, if that's what they're saying, And that's dumb, you know, it's just dumb. Cause he admitted to it. He said that he killed her for rent money.


Yeah, that's the thing. And I don't, I don't know it just, and I feel like if they would have gone on another trial, it probably would have been another deadlock jewelry. Because I don't think people can fathom that or people don't want to fathom that a spirit spoke through an alive human




and told her yet, this is who killed me. This is what he did. And you got to go to the police. It seems unfathomable, but. There was a L I mean, I know a lot of the evidence was circumstantial, but there was a lot of evidence that was there. I mean, the proof is in the pudding, so, yeah, but rip two terrorists, Dita, bossa, gone extremely too soon. I think he should still be in jail for her murder. Uh, Let's get


But I'm putting my shoes on now. Okay. We're going to


right, right. but yeah, just wanting to switch it up this week. We haven't done a


Yeah, well, we never did a, like a, like a supernatural story and we promise, we, we did say, you said murders, conspiracy theories calls, and beyond. And we are firmly planted in bed bath and beyond right now, because I don't, I, this is something that I'm just like, I don't know. Like normally I'm like, there is some kind of explanation and now I'm fitting up thinking about this. Thanks for this. Because I'm like, nah, legs.


Yeah. I did a run through of this story this morning, like finishing it up and I was even like feeling weird saying her name. I was like, am I so many? Because like, I'm cool. Like I'm on your side says, so like, please don't speak for me. Um,


candy, man. She's not going to come here.


You? No. You know, so I was just like, all right, let me keep it cute. But yeah,




I would love to hear from the keeper Colt, how you all feel about spirits, the supernatural. Do you think this story's even plausible? Or what are your theories about. What happened in two years? He said, do you believe Alan committed the murder? Or do you think it was an unknown assailant


I th I definitely, it was him. It's no, there's no fuck away. And that's the part where I'm mad. He's, it's definitely him broke ass. I just, I don't how much you techs get paid enough to have a tech at a hospital. You should be able to pay you a rent or move to a smaller place. This is not fair. Like. You killed a woman for rent money.


Especially in 1977. I know rent was


it was$8. Okay. And you have a dishwasher and everything, right.




And don't no money. Historians come on here and be like, well, actually the average, I don't care.


We don't get it. It's a lot less than it is today.


Right. Your common law wife, she could have been blessing some size at the hospital too. Y'all could have been okay. I mean, I don't know if she's working or not, but that's, that's just a fucked up situation. And I hate, I really hate when people kill for greed. I can't stand it. Like when people kill you, kill another person for money or for just out of just greed, I could see you kill somebody. Cause they know something, you kill somebody cause they hurt you. Whatever. I mean, it's not right. What I understand. I can wrap my mind around that, but you are going to kill somebody else because you're broke.


the brokest of bitch behavior I've ever


and you feel the urge to kill, I want you to turn that butcher knife right on yourself. BU the problems will be over if you, what rent. Okay. You're in hell.


Blow donate some sperm or plasma or some shit. You can definitely make a few bucks from doing that, but like


from for$10. So you can get a cheese pizza.


pedaling through sperm banks.


No, check that


Check that shout out to,


shit. No, seriously, like if you, you wouldn't have a problem, you would need to pay the rent. If you weren't here no more. See that's how you solve your problem. Planets and


that is my story this week, again, rest in peace to Teracita bossa. She actually, our body was able to be, uh, flown back to the Philippines varied, you know, with her family. which I guess is, um, somewhat awful, but. Nice any, I'm not, she wasn't buried here alone. I'm glad that she's surrounded by family. So, yeah.


didn't. Yes. And I'm glad that that fire didn't spread so that her body wouldn't have been able to be recovered. Exactly. That would have sucked.




wow. Great story, Kristen. I'm going to, Oh, if I, if some fucking goes, I don't play with demons now. Like if some goes pops up on me talking about, you know,


week. It was really good.


thought I heard you were going to put your shoes on. Go get no TRC. That was bullshit. And I'm not going anywhere.




I'm not doing a citizens arrest, especially in a now.


No. Okay.


Honestly, see if I could go back in time. I would go to Remy. I be like, look here, girl. So I know about the, uh, the premonitions and the visions and the possession. Cool. Um, I know you think about going to the pleas. I am going to ask that you, just give a tip. Okay. You don't need to go to the police yourself. And, and tell them why, how you know this information. Just keep writing letters, girl, make a phone call, anonymous letter, a Crimestoppers, do what you need to do, reach out to these people and say like, you need to look into Allen's showery. I'm not going to tell you who and why and what you need to look into this man. And then they would find the jewelry. They'd be like, sorry you did it. Cause I feel like the it's just the fact that she said that she was possessed. They said, no, But if anybody else, and none of his tips about something, they'll be like, we got a guide. I said


yeah, clean that, right. He would have been, I think he would have been in jail for the rest of his life, but because of how the information was obtained, it's just like, Especially in 1977, like, you know, so


Exactly. Exactly. And the right hand needs to be pen to paper. Okay.




And that's it. And I would start, you know what, bitch, I was starting a rumor at work. I'd be like, you know what?


Alan was y'all have y'all turned off because I heard he was, you know.


I know it was a while ago, but like he been, I don't know, he been wearing, is that a new broach? I don't




His So, uh, I'm glad that was, you know, at least she gets, she is resting in peace with her family in the Philippines. I'm so sorry that happened to her. That's awful. Um, but girl maybe goes to real, you saw that video of, uh, somebody last week, there was in a Tesla and they drove into a cemetery and then the Tesla would couldn't


What's like a can't go anymore because there's someone right, girl.


And you, and you look at the screen, the digital dash, and there was a human looking figures just walking through, but there was nothing in front of you, not, not out the windshield, but just on the digital dash dashboard, you know, a little ghosty.


Okay. Um, yeah, don't get me started because I mean, empire diaries and like, yeah, stay absolutely big. Otherwise, tell me up there. Why's ask about me. I'm telling y'all, I'm telling y'all,


in no Christmas they're asleep. You believe in vampires.


Not fully, but do I believe there was some weird shit happening 200, hundred years ago? Yeah. Have they probably been eradicated? Yeah. But does that mean that they didn't necessarily walk this earth? I can't, we will never know. That's like being like, Oh yeah. There's, there's no other human life besides earth. You think we're the only motherfuckers up in this


I believe in aliens. Definitely. I'm


But you, but you believe in a green ball, like E T. Okay.


I believe that Mike was asking. Yes.


You got it. You got it. See,


All right. All right. We're both. We're both. Okay.


we're upstart. No, I do believe in aliens. I believe in a lot of things because it just has not been proven yet. And if 2020 taught me anything, it's that, babe.


Yeah. Anything stranger things have happened?


Nothing will surprise you in my life after that year. Nothing.


no, you're right. I definitely do believe, I believe in aliens as far as supernatural ghosts. I mean, I feel like I'm, I feel like I do mostly believe in ghosts, but do I believe that ghosts can Danny Phantom into you and start speaking like through you? Um, No, but you don't want the story. I'm like, I'm changing my tune. Okay.


Amityville horror would like a few words on the mic documented the Amityville horror.


Oh God. Okay. Let me look into that because I've heard it before, but I don't know. Um, okay. Well that was an amazing story, Kristen. Um, thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughly entertained. And now I'm just thinking.


at night


Uh, yeah, I'm definitely not sleeping tonight. Any lo then Kristen, do you have a. So she take her glasses off.


Uh, yes, I will say I got to, uh, see my best friend this weekend. Shout out to Jenny. Yes, John. I hope she doesn't mind me saying this, but is a recent homeowner and she's doing the damn thing and her home is beautiful and it was just a really great weekend seeing her and doing brunch that make some emotion seas and yeah, it was really great.


Oh, cute. I love that. I love that. I know you haven't seen her in a minute, so that was much


I know it's kind of


Yeah. my Soho is also like, uh, hanging out. I hung out with my sister last weekend because we hadn't seen each other for a minute. Cause we both like traveling for. you know, the holidays or whatever. So we got dinner. It's always so great. having dinner with her and my little sister, shout out, re we had some good food and good times and, yeah, I needed that. I need to get out of the house.


Oh, I sound Miana.


Okay. Great. So that just about wraps up this week's episode 11, tied in about, Hope you enjoyed this week's episode. Don't forget to tell us what your theories are. We're going to post it on Instagram. Tell us on Instagram, tell us on Twitter, whatever, whatever on Instagram we are at quite as it's kept the podcast, spell it out. Y'all are grown. then on Twitter, we are quake the pod, Q a I K the pod, and we will be responding to whatever you think happened.




Thanks for listening. I don't know, uh, you know what, hunker down and pray for daylight today is the day. Okay.


Yes. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.


So I hope you got your oodles and noodles. Cause we was, we was talking about it, uh, election day, you know, we was, who was like, Oh yeah, I hope you got your ramen. And, and, and your, preservatives and shit. No, you need it now. Okay. go to the corner store, pick up some, some ramen noodles, some, uh, stuff in a can, some bread. You're gonna be making sandwiches. BU if these people decide to show their entire ass let's hope not. Okay. Yeah. Uh, but until next time until next week, um, do you have a sign off now?


What am I. Very, very best friends. Matt Jones has been a devout support support supporter of this podcast from the beginning, say that my son was, should be, um, to the murderers. Your mom should have swallowed, but I'm going to out a little bit because we got children listening to this possibly. Um, but I love the suggestion that I'm keeping in a mine. It's definitely on my top. Five


Oh my God, I didn't. I did not think to ask anybody what the sign-off should be, but if this is what they're coming with, I might want to know. I might want to know. Okay. Yeah. Seriously, people ask goodbye.